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I can't believe my parents would do that to me , she's a fucking child
"Im not marrying her dad" he chuckle and proceed with eating breakfast "you will"
"She's a child for fuck sake mom talk to your husband" she shakes her head in resign
"She's eighteen" I groan , he's really pissing me off right now "look I know it's not the best but her father own the largest manufacturing company here"

"Really because it's sure doesn't look like it" his company's sale has been down for as long as I know "he's a dumb fucker who doesn't know how to run shit relaying on his late father's work" he shakes his head disapprovingly, my father hates people who doesn't work hard for what they have even if I am supposed to inherit everything he has I know he won't hesitate to give it to someone else if he deemed me unworthy.

"marrying that girl mean getting our hand on all the raw materials and the minerals he has , it's the only thing missing from our dynasty , the terms of the contract are simple , marriage with her for three years and a baby must come out of it then they get what they want" he wipes his mouth and pushes his plate away "they get what they want but what about us ?"

"I told you he was a dumb fucker , he didn't even read the contract after hearing how much he'd get , as soon as you marry the girl the company is our" with that he gets up to walk away but come to a halt when she enter the room "s-sorry I-I didn't mean to interrupt"

"I don't know how it was from where you come from but there's time to eat here , I guess you didn't have worker where you were but they also need to eat here" my mother says harshly before getting up and rejoining my dad "I-I'm sorry" she says her head down but my mother doesn't even glance at her and walk out with her husband .

Omarosa shyly sit down her eyes glossy , fuck how should I act right now "I'm sorry really" she whispers and I nod "don't worry about that , don't do it next time"
She nod and takes a croissant and slowly chew on it which is oddly cute .

Wait cute ? No.

She finish and drink a juice before getting up , wait that's all she's going to eat ?
"You're done ?" She frown confused by my question "is that all you're eating ?" She nod , I expect her to get out but she just stand looking down at the floor

"What are you doing ?" She mumble something I can't decipher "Speak up" I say more harshly that I intended to which make her flinch "I-I'm waiting for you" I give her a confused look "is there something we were supposed to do ?" She shakes her head "so why are you waiting for me ?" She shrug , she really need to start speaking up I really don't like this aspect of her I'm used to have confident persons around me who speak their mind .

"Well if we have nothing planned go and do whatever you pleased" she looks up in surprise and then her face morph in confusion yet again , why does always looked confused , is she perhaps slow ?
"But I don't know what to do"
"Then do nothing" I shrug and get up to walk out .

I arrive at Henry's house soon after , I needed to get ou of the house and since I had nothing to do this is the second best place for me .
"Why are you here so early" my friend greet me at his doorstep with a girl in his arm I chuckle the fucker is always with a different girl every day .
"Needed to get out of the house" I shrug and he hum "I present you the soon to be husband my dear" he tease me and kiss the girl who giggle
I mutter a "shut up" passing beside him and entering his house .

"No but seriously you're really going to marry that girl" he says coming into the kitchen , he cock a brow up and while just pour myself a glass of scotch "I don't have a choice do I" I say bitterly before chugging down the whole glass as much as I understand my father point of view I hate the idea of marrying the girl , I always thought I would marry .... Fuck "how is she ?" I ask henry he chuckle "how do you think ? She's upstairs " I nod then make my way to the stairs , before climbing I sigh not knowing what I'd say when I get there .

I knock on the door before entering , she's on her bed reading some magazine she truns around and beam at me her magazine long forgotten she get up and wrap herself around me "Ale ! I knew you would come" she then give me a kiss but I don't kiss her back "Liv I"

"It's not true right you're not going to marry someone else" she cut me off leading me to bed and sitting beside me , Olivia , Henry and I kinda grew up together so I always thought that she would be the one my father choose for marriage .

I won't say that I'm in love with her but I definitely have a soft spot for her and so I don't want her to get hurt .
I push her blonde hair behind her ear and see a sad pout on her face "Liv I have to do it you know that"

She huff and cross her arms " but it was supposed to be me wasn't it ?"
I nod "that's what I thought but you know it wasn't sure"
"But we're still together right ?" I personally never believed that I was in a kind of relationship with Olivia I guess it was just easy to go to her when needed than calling a different girl every time I felt the need to get laid .

I shrug not trying to upset her but her eyes waters and I sigh "It's not right Liv y-"
"But you don't even know that girl !" I hate being cut off when I'm talking but I can bring myself to be mad at her "You're right I don't but it's about respect Olivia and I won't cheat on her" with that I give her a light kiss on the cheek and get up .

To say that I came here to avoid my home , I only got more problems .
After saying goodbye to henry and quickly get home since it was almost dinner time and my dad always want us to be together if we're in town .

"Mr Guerrero you're back early" Maria the housekeeper said , I don't know why she keep on calling me mr Guerrero when she practically raised me "Maria stop calling me that" I try to say with a menacing tone but she only rolls her eyes "where is she ?"
"In her room" I nod and walk past her "she's a nice girl I like her"
"Maria don't start" she huff "I can still give my opinion can't I" she say putting her hand on her hips , I swear I'm more scared of her than my own mother "of course Maria"

Passing the hallway I get the irrational need to open her door and without even thinking my hand is on the door handle turning it .
She's sitting by the window as soon as she hears me she turns to face me and fuck if I didn't mention it before she's fucking ethereal , I've never seen someone as beautiful as her and when she smiles at me , I don't know what I felt but I knew that it wasn't good .

"Hi did you have a good day" she softly says to me , her voice feel like feathers, shit what the bloody hell am I saying.
My feet walks on their own so now I'm standing in front of her which makes her crane her neck to watch me her breath hitch when I take off the little strand of hair on her cheek .

Shit what the fuck am I doing , I get a hold of myself and take a step back "you should change for dinner we don't want you to be late hmm ?" she nod , I see a bit of disappointment in her eyes .

Walking out of her room I admit that the little girl definitely has picked my interest .

Walking out of her room I admit that the little girl definitely has picked my interest

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I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Love you all ❤️❤️

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