Chapter Nineteen

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It's cold

Tiffany sighed as she looked over at Y/n. She looked so much like her mother. "Once this vaccine is made, you'll get to see your family again." Tiffany replied, not wanting to mention exactly where her mother is or what has become of her. Though she knew Jodie was still alive, and the chance to save her was possible.

Which was the reason why she took more blood samples from Y/n.

Y/n just gave a depressing smile. She couldn't believe she almost forgot about her fathers sacrifice to keep her safe from whatever that "thing" was. Just why did it exactly want her father, so badly?

Father, I really hope you're alive.

"It's almost finished now." Tiffany spoke up as she pressed a few other switches. Watching the claw in the machine pick up the tubes and move it around to put other liquids into it.
"By the way, who was that man with you?" Tiffany asked as she finally finished making the vaccine. Turning around to grab a bag to put the vaccines into.

There must be a reason why Y/n wanted a vaccine for herself. Maybe it's that guy she was with earlier? Perhaps he got injured at some point during all of this.
Tiffany wasn't exactly sure, but she didn't care either. It was the girls business, not hers.

"Are you talking about Leon?" Y/n stood up, making her way towards Tiffany. "Leon? Is he your partner?" She rose a brow while handing the bag over. Y/n shook her head as she accepted the bag. "Unfortunately no, I'm not an agent like him." Though it would be interesting seeing herself as an agent, working for the government. She wasn't exactly good at all this 'jumping around' situations.

"I wasn't referring to "working" partners." Tiffany had meant the other form of partnership. Since from what she saw, it seemed the man, Leon? Had some kind of feeling towards this girl.
Watching the girls face turn bright red as she quickly shook her head, laughing awkwardly. "No-no! You got the wrong idea! He's just some Agent that I happened to cross paths with."

Tiffany smirked as she couldn't help to tease her now. "Is he your type then?" Y/n looked off to the side as she really didn't know how to answer that. Considering she's never once thought about a person in a romantic way. "Why are we talking about this? Let's just get this vaccine to Keith, so I can just see my father again." She really didn't want to talk about her feelings during an epidemic. Besides, Leon was an Agent. She was still in college, deciding on what to do in life still.

"I'm sorry, I was only trying to lighten the mood." Tiffany explained. Y/n just shrugged her shoulders. "It's fine."

"We should hurry then, Keith won't stay in one place for too long." Tiffany explained as the two headed out of the lab, only to hear something down the hall.
"Did you hear that?" Tiffany questioned, hovering her hand over her gun. In case if something launches themselves at the pair. "Could it be that Reaper, from earlier?" Y/n asked, unsure of what that sound was. It almost sounded as if something, like metal? Was scratching against the wall.

"No, it would of attacked by now." Tiffany was really worried, as she had a gut feeling of what or who, it might exactly be.

"Y/n, I need you to run the other way. There should be a staircase that leads to the facility. That's where Keith might be at. If not, he will be there eventually." Tiffany looked beside her, seeing Y/n look very puzzled. "Why? What's going to happen to you?" She couldn't let another person sacrifice herself. "Just go, you need to save this world Y/n." Tiffany took her keycard and pushed Y/n towards the line, as she quickly used the key card to access the doors code. "What are you doing?!" Y/n snapped as she stumbled back to her feet, ready to stop the door from closing between them.

"I'm sorry, but this world really needs you right now." Tiffany smiled as she tossed the keycard over, before the door closed. Tiffany pulled out her gun, shooting the lock, to avoid anything from getting passed this door.

"No-NO!!" Y/n dropped the keycard as she banged on the door. Why did everyone always have to get hurt, because of her.
"Tiffany! Please open this door now!! You can't leave me like this!!" Y/n cried, not wanting to be alone either. From the other side of the door, all Y/n could hear.

Was gun fire and screams.


Leon managed to crawl through the vents, without any complications. Which was weird to him, but it seemed there wasn't much infected zombies down here in the first place. So it sort of was expected, but he needed to keep his guard up.

Turning on the light piece that connected to his earbud that managed to somehow survive.

He was in a hallway, windows broken from a few rooms and even blood splattered all over the place. Just exactly happened in this area? No, what exactly was this whole place?
Leon started walking, not sure of where to check first. However, he probably should look out for any laboratories. Since that's what Tiffany wanted Y/n for.

Only to stop when he heard gun fire. Which gave the cue to start running towards the gun fire. Even if it wasn't them, he still was going to save whoever it was.

Leon, turned down another hallway. However, someone or something. Ran right into him, not fully expecting someone to come around the corner like that. He kept his balance though, even gripping around the persons waist. To ensure they wouldn't fall. Already knowing it wasn't an infected, considering it wasn't attacking him.

The girl looked up slowly as she widened her eyes. "Leon?" She was shocked to be seeing him right in front of her. "Why are you here?" Y/n questioned him as he smirked a little at that question. "I couldn't let my 'partner' be taken away from me so easily." He teased, only to notice her cheeks dusted red. Especially since the way he had her close to him, while saying that. He cleared his throat from the awkward silence as he also had let her go.

"What exactly happen to that woman?" It was time to talk serious now

"S-she...she saved me by giving her life up."

Leon noticed how hurt she was, just by seeing her expression. However, he was use to people dying on him, sacrificing themselves to him, losing innocent civilians.
But he still knew how much it all can weigh on someone. Since it still does affect him, but he knows how to handle it.

"It seems she wasn't the enemy after all." Leon said to himself. Y/n just nodded as she took Leon's hand. "What are you doing?" He rose a brow at her, take ahold of his hand. "Your pulse is getting weak..." she mumbled. Leon just stared at her, admiring her features. "Don't worry about me." He pulled his hand away while clearing his throat again.
"We should leave this area before something comes." He started walking the way he came from, only to stop when Y/n grabbed his arm.
"Wait, Tiffany told me that Keith should be at the facility. That's where we can finally beat him." Y/n explained.

"We? Y/n, you're not even an agent. You shouldn't try fighting him at all. Let me at least take you some place safe?" He tried grabbing her arm, to attempt to drag her. However, she backs up in protest. "No! This is my fight too, Leon. So why can't you trust me? We already been through a bunch of shit already. This should be the same." Y/n glared at him, watching Leon's movements as he seemed annoyed with her. Only for that expression to change. "Fine, but please don't get hurt." He told her.

"Thank you, Leon." She smiled while now leading the way.

Leon noticed the back of her shirt was torn, unfortunately seeing her bra as he looked away. "Wait." He stopped her.
"What's wrong now?" She asked, turning to look at him. Only to have his jacket around her shoulders. "Put it on." He ordered while walking past her to head towards the staircase.

"Why are you-"

"It's cold, just wear it okay?" Though she wasn't going to complain.

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