05 Dating Rules

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Nishikata looked around nervously as he waited for Takagi-san to show up. He was once again hovering near an electricity pole by her house and he hoped he didn't look like some kind of stalker. He really should've just messaged her saying he'd pick her up on their way to school, but he still felt shy about doing it. Even though they were now officially dating, he was a little unsure about the rules.

He was also still recovering from the embarrassment of trying to explain to his mum why he didn't need a bento today. He reeled in recollection of the conversation he'd had last night. His mum had obviously come to the conclusion that he had a girlfriend and now wanted to meet her. He was going to do his best to avoid that happening for as long as possible.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone so he could check the time and pondered over sending Takagi-san a text. Maybe he should let her know he was waiting? Would that seem imposing, though? They'd only just become a couple and he didn't want to appear too clingy or demanding. What was the protocol here?

He sighed. Should I just text her?

A moment later he jumped in surprise as his phone buzzed. It was a message from Takagi-san.

'Did you want to meet up in front of my place?'

Nishikata's eyes widened. It was as if Takagi-san had read his mind. Did she know he was hovering?

'I'll be there soon,' he responded and headed towards her front gate.

He'd only just sent it as he arrived at her doorstep and he was surprised to see her waiting for him already.

"Good morning Nishikata," she greeted with a smile. "That was quick."

"I, uh...um...I was nearby..."

Takagi-san laughed and he knew he was busted. She must've guessed he was hovering and he looked away in embarrassment.

"Here, Nishikata," Takagi-san ventured after her giggles subsided. She outstretched her hands which held a cloth-wrapped bento box and met his gaze somewhat shyly.

He felt his breath catch at the sight. It was rare to see Takagi-san showing vulnerability. For a moment he simply stared at her in a daze, before he realised she was waiting for him to respond.

"Uh, thank you," he said quietly and took the lunchbox from her hands.

He placed it wordlessly into his bag before turning his attention back to Takagi-san. Without thinking he extended his hand out in invitation.

"Let's go," he said with a smile as he waited for her to take his hand.

Holding hands had become almost a habit recently, which is why he was surprised to see Takagi-san hesitate.

What was wrong? Had he done something he shouldn't have? Did Takagi-san not want to hold hands with him anymore? They were officially a couple now, right? Couples held hands. Had he got that wrong? What was he missing?

As the moment dragged on, he became even more self-conscious and whispered an apology.

"S-sorry," he mumbled and moved to return his hand by his side.

A second later, he felt Takagi-san's hand grasp his own as she pressed herself up against his side.

"No, I'm sorry Nishikata," Takagi-san said with a squeeze of his hand. "You just caught me by surprise is all."

"I did?" Nishikata was still confused. Why was she surprised? Once again, he started to wonder what he'd done wrong.

"Did I do something wrong?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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