03 Beach Date

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Nishikata looked down at his phone and panicked. He'd just woken up and it was almost 6:30am. He couldn't believe he'd slept in. He was going to be late to meet Takagi-san if he didn't hurry. He'd spent all night going over what had happened between them and trying to understand their relationship, in between also trying to figure out a challenge he could beat her at. Unfortunately, he wasn't any closer to an answer for either by the time sleep finally took over.

He quickly dragged on his bathers and threw anything he thought he'd need into his backpack, before rushing out the door. He heard his stomach growl on the way out and grimaced as he realised he'd forgotten breakfast. He didn't have time for that now anyway, so he willed his stomach to behave.

 He didn't have time for that now anyway, so he willed his stomach to behave

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He waved at Takagi-san when he finally arrived. She was already seated at the bus stop with her backpack in her lap.

"Sorry I'm late," he apologised as he tried to catch his breath.

Takagi-san smiled at him warmly. "It's fine, Nishikata," she reassured. "The bus hasn't arrived yet anyway."

"That's great," Nishikata smiled back, relief showing on his face.

"Did you sleep in?" Takagi-san asked with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah," Nishikata replied ruefully just as the bus arrived.

"Bet you were up all night trying to figure out a good challenge?" She teased.

"What!?" Nishikata's eyes widened in surprise. She was such a mind reader. "O-of course not," he insisted and turned around to board the bus and avoid further scrutiny. He could hear Takagi-san giggling as she followed behind him.

There wasn't anyone else inside so Nishikata headed straight for the back and took a seat in the middle.

"So, did you come up with anything good?" Takagi-san asked as she took a seat beside him.

Nishikata frowned. It wouldn't do to lie about it. She'd see right through him.

He sighed dejectedly. "I'm still working on it," he replied vaguely. "Ask me again once we're at the beach."

Takagi-san burst into giggles. "You don't have to think too hard about it," she ventured after a moment. "Just call it my win and we can skip the challenge. We both know I'll win anyway."

"We don't know that," Nishikata insisted. "I'm feeling lucky today," he postured groundlessly. "I'm due for a win."

"Oh really?" Takagi-san questioned with a chuckle. "Then how about this...?"

She leaned in close so that she could whisper into his ear and he shuddered when he felt her breath against his skin. She'd been invading his personal space more than usual lately; last night in particular and he couldn't help but notice her teasing had become next-level of late.

"I'll call it your win, Nishikata, if you can perform five date-like actions by the end of our date."

"Five!?" He exclaimed indignantly and stood up in surprise. "Last time it was only one..."

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