04 Post Date Analysis

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Takagi reached for her phone as she settled in for a soak in the bath. She couldn't believe what had happened between her and Nishikata during their date and she needed to talk to someone about it. Sumire and Mano-chan would be perfect. She opened up a group text and arranged to have a chat with them over lunch tomorrow.

She was also somewhat curious as to how their own love-lives were going. Sumire had mentioned spending time with Sakurai-kun during break and she wondered if they were now officially dating. Ever since he'd accepted her chocolates on Valentines Day, they'd begun hanging out more and more.

She picked up her phone when it buzzed and was pleased to have gotten an instant reply. Looks like both girls were keen for a catch up as well.

She put her phone back down and settled back into the bath. Today had been exhausting. Both mentally and physically; more mentally though. She could barely believe she'd actually kissed Nishikata. Albeit, the kiss was just on the cheek, but it was still a kiss nevertheless. For the first time in her life she'd summoned enough courage to make a move, but as usual she'd chickened out straight afterwards when it really counted.

She replayed the events over and over again in her head. She'd had every intention of confessing to Nishikata. After the way he'd acted at the beach when he'd saved her from getting hit by the soccer ball, she'd felt all the love she had for him start to overwhelm her. He'd also surprised her with his near-confession as well. His words weren't vague this time. He definitely knew what he was saying. And even though he hadn't had a chance to finish the sentence, he didn't have to. It was obviously a love confession.

She couldn't help but blush at the memory. It was what had spurred her on to kiss him, and what had prompted her to try and return the confession. She no longer had any doubts about Nishikata's feelings. So why hadn't she been able to say it back?

She sighed at the memory and wondered if Nishikata realised what she'd wanted to say. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd been misjudging Nishikata's awareness this whole time. Maybe he wasn't as dense as she thought he was? In fact, he was probably more aware than she thought and was probably just giving her space because he could see how uncomfortable she was.

Takagi blushed at the realisation. Nishikata knows, doesn't he? He knows what I was going to say...?

Takagi sank underneath the water at that thought, letting the bathwater wash over her in an attempt to clear away her anxiety.

She sprang back up a minute later, gasping for breath. It wouldn't do to hide from her feelings. She had to face them.

Okay, she said to herself. If Nishikata knows I like him, and he knows I know he likes me, then where does that put us? What is our relationship? How am I meant to behave around him tomorrow? And what's going to happen between us next?

Takagi sighed and got out of the bath. She wasn't going to find the answers to her questions here. She still had some last minute tasks to finish for her summer homework and she had to prepare herself for tomorrow.

She would simply put all thoughts about her relationship with Nishikata on hold. She'd have a good chat with her friends tomorrow and hopefully that'd help to make things a little clearer for her.


As she stepped out side and began to follow her usual route to school, Takagi looked around eagerly for Nishikata. She spied him loitering near an electricity pole not far from her house. He had obviously been waiting for her to walk past. She smiled. He was so cute. He could've just messaged her to meet up with him. That said, she wasn't really one to talk. She'd also been a bit too shy to ask him to meet her this morning.

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