01 Post Fireworks

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Nishikata glanced over at Takagi-san as the fireworks finished up. He felt his breath catch in his throat when she met his gaze and he looked away shyly. He was still reeling a bit from hearing her say she was going to make him happy.

What exactly did she mean by that?

"That was nice," Nishikata ventured softly, his eyes glued to the ground.

"Hmm," Takagi-san agreed, her voice barely above a whisper. "It was nice, wasn't it?"

"Mmm," Nishikata nodded.

"I almost feel like I've won the lottery," Takagi-san ventured mischievously. Her lips turned upward in a cheeky grin as she met his gaze expectantly.

Nishikata paused for a second. What was she referring to? He blushed as a second later he recalled a conversation they'd had last summer about what they'd do if they won a million yen.

First, I will buy some cute clothes. And then I will buy shoes and a handbag. Then, I will go on trips with the person I love. After going to a nice place, we will look at each other and say "Isn't this nice?" After eating tasty food, I want both of us to say: "Isn't this tasty?" to each other. At night, we will change into our yukatas and go to the summer festival. We will roam the stalls together while watching the fireworks. We will take photos...

Nishikata's blush deepened as he began to ponder the implications of the memory. Apart from going on a trip, they'd basically just done everything Takagi-san had wanted to do. They'd roamed the stalls, eaten some tasty food, had their photos taken and had now just watched the fireworks together.

Was Takagi-san saying she was with the person she loved? Or was she just teasing him again? Nishikata lowered his gaze as he mulled things over.

He could tell things had changed between them, but nothing had been confirmed. Even though he'd practically confessed to Takagi-san the other day when he told her he'd make her happy forever, he hadn't outright told her he liked her. However, when Takagi-san had told him she would make him happy too, it almost felt as if she was responding to a confession.

Was this her way of telling me she likes me? Does she know I like her? What am I supposed to say here? Is she just teasing me? I'm so confused.

He was brought out of his reverie by a gentle squeeze of the hand.


"T-T-Takagi-san," Nishikata cleared his throat and hesitantly met her gaze. His blush deepened even further. "Um, yeah...the lottery..."

"Do you remember?" Takagi-san questioned a little too innocently.

"Mmm," Nishikata nodded shyly. "You wanted to go on trips with the person you, uh...um...and you wanted to go to the festival and see the fireworks..."

"So you do remember?" Takagi-san prompted and nudged his shoulder playfully.

Nishikata gulped and felt a shiver run up his spine at the contact. She was way too close.

"Uh yeah...I remember," he said softly. "I'm glad we got to see the fireworks this year."

"Me too."

"Maybe next year we can go on a trip...?"

Nishikata froze the moment the words left his mouth. He hadn't meant to say them out loud.

He could feel Takagi-san stiffen beside him. Her grip on his hand loosened for a second and he almost thought she was going to let go altogether. A moment later her hand shifted and he gasped for breath as she laced her fingers with his.

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