forty three | the big bang

Depuis le début

After reappearing in front of them once more, the Doctor told Rory, "You need to get me out of the Pandorica."

With a shake of his head, Rory said to him, "But you're not in the Pandorica."

The Doctor replied, "Yes, I am. Well, I'm not now, but I was back then. Well, back now from your point of view, which is back then from my point of view. Time travel, you can't keep it straight in your head." As he pointed his sonic screwdriver in front of himself, he said, "It's easy to open from the outside. Just point and press."

Then– after handing the sonic screwdriver over towards Rory– he said, "Now go."

It wasn't until after the Doctor had disappeared once more and Rory had repeatedly looked between the sonic screwdriver that he was holding in his hand and the spot in which the Doctor was just standing, just before Annabelle turned to Rory and asked him, "What was that thing that he was just wearing on his head?"

Rory said to her, "I believe that it's called a fez."

Then Annabelle asked him, "Why the bloody hell would he be wearing a fez?"

In turn, Rory said to her, "I have no idea."

It wasn't long after he'd said those words that the Doctor had appeared in front of them for a third time before he said to Rory, "Oh, and when you're done, leave my screwdriver in her top pocket. Good luck."

Then– after the Doctor had disappeared in front of them for a third time– Rory asked, "What do you mean? Done what?"

* * *

With the sonic screwdriver pointed in front of himself, Rory– with Annabelle close behind him– watched as the Pandorica had opened once more to reveal the Doctor, whose restraints had just pulled away from him.

As he stared directly at Rory, the Doctor asked him, "How did you do that?"

With a raise of the sonic screwdriver, Rory told him, "You gave me this."

After pulling out his own sonic screwdriver, the Doctor said to him, "No, I didn't."

Rory replied, "You did. Look at it."

After stepping out of the Pandorica and only pressing his sonic screwdriver against the one that Rory was holding, the Doctor, Annabelle and Rory watched as sparks came out of it, shortly before the Doctor said, "Temporal energy. Same screwdriver at different points in its own time stream. Which means it was me who gave it to you. Me from the future. I've got a future, that's nice." After Rory had only nodded his head, the Doctor pointed past Rory as he said, "That's not."

After Annabelle had looked away from the Doctor and over towards the two stony-like Daleks that stood in the room, Rory said, "Yeah. What are they?"

The Doctor told him, "History has collapsed. Whole races have been deleted from existence. These are just like after-images. Echoes, fossils in time. The footprints of the never-were."

Rory replied, "Uh, what does that mean?"

With a quick turn of his head, the Doctor said to him, "Total event collapse. The universe literally never happened. Which also means that Annabelle and her siblings had never been made into vampires and also means that each and every single one of Annabelle's siblings might very well be gone right now."

Rory asked him, "So how can we be here? What's keeping us safe?"

In turn, the Doctor said to him, "Nothing. Eye of the storm, that's all. We're just the last light to go out." Then– with a slight raise of his head– he said, "Amy. Where's Amy?"

Unrepentant | DOCTOR WHO [ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant