BeFriending The Student's

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This Chapter is Basically Focusing on Yamato BeFriending Other's-

In Order to Get a Better Reputation-

So he won't be Suspected for Murder-

Or Atleast have People on his Side incase he ever Get's Suspected for Murder or Get's Arrested for Murder-

Anyway's, Enjoy!


No One's P.O.V

Yamato had Talked with Kanade and Hibiki about what Happened at the Train Station a Few Day's Ago.

The Two of them were Surprised by what Yamato said.

Who in the World were those Two People that Pushed Ran'nā into the Train Track's?

Neither of Three Knew.

But Today was Different for Yamato.

He was just Walking through the Hall's until he Nearly Stepped on Something.

It was a NeckLace.

Specifically, a NeckLace that had Diamond's and Rubies on it.

Then he Looked Up and Noticed that a Girl was on the Ground Searching for Something.

Yamato Picked Up the NeckLace and Proceeded to Walk Over to the Girl before Crouching Down.

" Excuse me? "

Yamato Spoke Up as the Girl Looked Up.

" Does this Belong to you? "

Yamato Asked before Showing the NeckLace as the Girl Quickly Nodded her Head and Grabbing the NeckLace.

" Yes! This is the NeckLace My Father Gave me! Thank you so Much! "

The Girl Responded with a Smile on her Face while Yamato could Only Chuckle at the Girl's Happiness.

" No Problem. "

Yamato said Calmly as the Both of them Stood Up before Parting Way's.

While Walking through the Hall's, he Heard Fighting Going on in the Cafeteria.

So once Again, Yamato Went to Check it Out.

When he Got there, he Saw Two Girl's Fighting.

And Other's were just Recording Everything that was Happening.

'The Fuck is Wrong with these People?!'

It Look's Like he'll have to Interfere.

" What the Hell is Going on here?! "

Yamato Asked as the Attention was Suddenly on him.

This Made him UnComfortable but he could Care Less Right Now.

Suddenly, One of the Girl's Pointed at the Other One.

" She Stole My Seat! "

The Girl Responsed while the Other Girl Glared at her.

" I Sat there First so it's My Seat! "

The Girl Replied as Yamato Groaned before Speaking Up.

" Seriously?! You Two are Fighting Over a Seat?! What is Wrong with you Both?! The Two of you should be Matured Enough for Teenager's and yet you Two are Acting Like Children! Aren't you Two Ashamed of YourSelves?! Cut the Bullshit and Start Acting More Mature for your Age! "

Yamato Spoke Up Annoyed with a Frustrated Look on his Face as the Two Girl's Quickly Shut Up and Lowered their Head's in Shame.

" This Better Not Happen Again because I'm Not Dealing with this Bullshit. You're Not Children, so Act Like it. Do I Make MySelf Clear? "

Yamato said Annoyed as the Two Girl's Simply Nodded their Head's in Response.

Yamato just Sighed before Walking Away.

But he said One Last Thing.

" You Two are Lucky that I was in a Good Mood Today! "

And with that, he was Gone.

Now EveryOne was Shivering in Fear.

What would Yamato do to EveryOne if he wasn't in a Good Mood?

Who Know's?

But They don't Want to Find Out.

Yamato Proceeded to Go on the Rest of his Day either Helping Other's or Stopping Fight's from Happening.

Atleast he Made More Friend's and Raised his Reputation Up More.


My Arm's after Typing this: * PAIN *

Welp, that's it for Today!

I didn't Type Every Single Thing that Yamato did because I was to Tired for that-

And that would Take to Long-

By the Way, the Next Chapter will Not Introduce the Sixth Rival-

Rather, the Sixth Rival will be Introduced the Chapter after the Next Chapter-


Because it's Going to be Important to the StoryLine-

Anyway's, I Hope that you Enjoyed this Chapter!

I'll See you in the Next One!

( 643 Word's )

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