We Meet Again, Kisaragi

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No One's P.O.V

It was Yamato's First Day of HighSchool and Needless to Say, he was Kinda Nervous.


Well, because he was Going to Hope's Peak Academy to Study.

He wasn't the Only One who Got into Hope's Peak Academy though because his Sister, Mikako Kurokawa, had also Gotten into Hope's Peak Academy.

The Two of them were Accepted into Hope's Peak Academy due to their Talent's or from what Hope's Peak Academy Call's them, "Ultimate's".

Yamato had Gotten into Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Inventor while his Sister, Mikako, had Gotten into Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Exorcist.

However, Yamato had also Wondered if Teruya had Gotten into Hope's Peak Academy.

Teruya and him Continued to HangOut with One Another after They had First Met Back as Kid's.

But One Day, Teruya said that he couldn't HangOut without him AnyMore because of his Dad's Work which had Caused them to Basically Travel Around the World.

But before Teruya had Left him for Good, he had Made a Promise to Yamato that They would Move Back to Japan SomeDay and They could HangOut once Again.

Except that Yamato was still Afraid that Teruya had Ended Up Breaking the Promise that he had Made to him.

Yamato was Quickly Snapped Out of his Thought's by his Sister Hugging him.

" Yamato-Nii! We Got into Hope's Peak! Isn't it WonderFul?! "

Mikako Spoke CheerFully with a Grin on her Face.

Meanwhile, Yamato had Attempted to Push his Own Sister Away from him.


It's because he couldn't Breathe at All due to the Fact that Mikako was Hugging him Tight Enough that he Felt Like Passing Out.

" It is Amazing, Sis. But could you Let Go? I can't Breathe. "

Yamato Asked his Sister while Suffocating.

Mikako had immediately Stopped Hugging him once she Looked at her Brother and Realized that she had Almost Crushed and Suffocated him to Death.

" Sorry Yamato-Nii! I Got Excited! "

Mikako said in a Panicked yet Nervous Manner.

Yamato UnderStood why his Sister Hugged him so Tight and Nodded his Head in Response.

" It's Alright, Let's just Walk in. "

Yamato Spoke Calmly as he had Walked through Hope's Peak's Gate's.

Due to how Crowded it was, Yamato and Mikako had immediately Gotten Separated from One Another.

And Needless to Say, Yamato was Getting Really UnComfortable in the Crowd's.

So he was Desperate to Get Away from the Crowd's as Soon as Possible.

ThankFully, he was Able to Get Out of the Crowd's and into a More Isolated Area where No One would Bother him.

" Finally, Some Peace and Quiet. "

Yamato had said with a Frustrated Expression on his Face.

Then, Yamato Suddenly Heard a Chuckle from Somewhere.

" You haven't Changed at All, Kisaragi! "

Is what the Voice had said to him in a CheerFul Tone.

Becoming Wary of his Surrounding's, Yamato immediately Started to Look Around to See where the Unknown Voice was Coming from.

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