Chapter 21

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Timeskip- that night.
POV: none
Fixer stood atop the roof once again. Looking down, he could se the rear enterance of the building, and the vans which had just arrived. Climbing out of them were today's principals- WM artists, and his main goal, Lee Chaeyeon. Once they reached the door, he stepped back and ran across the rooftop. Entering into the staircase, he ran down, occasionally sliding down handrails until he reached the main level, and from there, headed deeper into the maze of hallways that held all the artist ready rooms. He knew where he was going, of course, he had a map. But the Musicgayo facility had been peaceful so far, and it was too quiet. He began his patrol, staking the hallways with sharp eyes, waiting for the wrinkle to be revealed.

POV: Fixer (Y/N)
I lean against the wall, a bit tired. I've made 6 rounds so far, all peaceful and clear. No issues. Checking the security cameras, there's nobody interesting anywhere on my route. The front entrance looks clear, the back is clear, the roof is good. The staff rooms are all busy. The employee check in-
"It's you again." Looking up, I don't see anyone. Then I look further down and see YooA, an Oh My Girl member who must have noticed me from earlier at their company.
"Yes." I say stoically.
"Do you work for the company?" She asks, obviously curious. She's in full stage getup, except for her hair, which is still partially pinned.
"For now." I'm not sure why she's talking to me right now. "It's nice talking to you, but I'm working right now. Let's talk some other time." I say curtly. Her eyes seem to frown, but she agrees and walks off. Checking the cameras again, finally, there's someone new here. A few more staff have arrived, but they all look like cleaning staff. But it's almost time for Chaeyeon's stage, so I should get going.

I work my way through the halls, and come to a halt in front of her dressing room. There's a few people there, they look like usual staff, but...That one has flowers. Why does he have flowers, if he's staff. Not a delivery either, because you wouldn't need two men in dress clothes for a simple flower delivery. Luckily, I manage to reach her dressing room door before they do, and I step in front of the door and turn my back to it. They both come up to me, and one looks at me, obviously expecting me to move aside for him. He probably thinks I'll move because I assume he's some high up staff person or something else. But, I have a feeling that's not it. You don't deliver flowers before a performance unless you're here for the artist herself, and there's only two people who would do that- WM, who already said they don't have anyone doing that. And RBW. And that's why I'm here.
"Excuse me." He says, and gestures to the door. The one behind him rolls his shoulders, trying to look buff and intimidating. Probably trying to look like an exec and his guard. Or maybe they really are. I don't care.
"You're excused." I reply, and don't move. "I can take those for you, and give them to her." He bristles, and angrily says,
"I'm here to gift these to her and to speak to her. Stand aside." I shake my head
"No." His security guard then moves up and says,
"If you're going to cause problems and refuse to do your job properly, I'll have to ask you to leave." He pulls out a badge, but it's just some random private security company, it means nothing to me.
"You can ask. It won't help you much." I'm enjoying this honestly, I prefer dealing with problems via sass instead of fighting. But fighting is also fun. They step back and look at each other, then back at me.
"Don't you know who I am?" The higher up says, trying to impress me I suppose.
"I don't care who you are." This clearly makes him mad, so he gets up in my face and starts yelling.
"I am-" he points a hand in my face, and that bothers me. I slap his hand out of my face, and he stumbles. I don't know how he did that, all I did was hit his hand, but somehow he takes a step to the side and looks shocked. Naturally, his guard steps in and tries to grab me. Big mistake. Without missing a beat, I sidestep his lungs and kick him in the side of his stomach, throwing him sideways and making him crash into his boss. They both go down, and I move to stand over them.
"Leave." I move back to the door, and they stand up awkwardly.
"Get him!" The boss says, obviously pissed because I made a fool of him. The guard goes into a boxing stance, and starts moving closer. It's time to cut this short, so I reach into my cargo pocket and pull out one of my dueling knives. He immediately backs up, and glances at his boss again. The boss just points at me again and shouts, "I said get him!" So, as any good, brainless henchman would, he tried to close into punching range, while his eyes are still focused on the knife. That's his mistake, because he doesn't even notice that I grabbed a stock charge with my other hand. I flip the knife around as to not hurt him, then I lunge towards him and hit his shoulder with the charge. It activates in a flash, and he drops to the ground as he's hit with a nasty little shock. He writhes for a moment, then stops moving entirely. The one left looks down in horror, then drops the flowers that he was still holding and runs. I'm surprised he still held onto the flowers honestly. Thankfully, they didn't get damaged, so I grab them. He's still mad, though, and that's good. Because mad people make mistakes. This time, I can listen in as he radios someone else, saying,
"Go for the stage distraction." I'll deal with that in turn. I grab the one still unconscious on the floor and pull him over to a nearby equipment storage room and prop him up there. He'll wake up in half an hour. Probably. Unless he had a heart condition.

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