Chapter 2

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POV: none
The 6 girls and the new CEO were seated, having finished their meal and were talking about what the plan is for the future of the group. While some members, such as Rei and Gaeul, were interested in collaboration with other artists, members like Yujin and Liz focused closer upon their production styles and release schedule. Wonyoung was not paying attention, choosing to look at the skyline instead, and Leeseo continued eating her third round of desert.

POV: Jang Wonyoung
The skyline is really lovely. Even if I can see it every day, it's different seeing it from up high like this, with the lights spreading as far as I can see into the distance. It's even covering every hill around the city as well, except for Namsan park. The view is nice in every direction, with the lower city spreading to the north, the river to the south, and to the east and west the other parts of downtown Seoul. The tall towers, the wide streets, the person jumping off the neighboring building, the- wait, back up.

POV: Lee Hyunseo (Leeseo)
The desert here is really good. I'm walking across to put my plate back after finishing off, but I might get another Dasik. Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone slams onto the ground a ways in front of me and goes into a roll, before stopping in a three point stance low to the ground. Shocked by the sudden arrival, I drop my plate and can't help but scream slightly in surprise. As it shatters on the ground, the figure stands up, showing a tall man dressed in mostly black, wearing equipment of some kind. He looks at me for a moment, before walking past me towards the others. Yujin and Gaeul are standing, after hearing me scream. The President is just standing up as well, and he steps out from behind the table and walks towards the new guest. President Lee stops in front of him and says "Is there an issue with the job?" The figure shakes his head, and reaches around to pull off a small backpack
"Job's done." The stranger says, pulling out a stack of files and handing them to President Lee. He takes them and looks at them a moment, before looking back up at the new person.
"Already? And these are?" The man in black shrugs, and gestures at the papers.
"Internal documents. Plans, projects, financial statuses, any secrets they tried to hide. Everything you need for the takeover."

The members and I have gathered together, with me watching closely while hiding behind Yujin. We're standing a little ways from them, but can still hear and see clearly. As President Lee flips through the papers, the stranger turns and casts a close eye over us. I feel cold as he does, so I drop back behind Yujin. I see Rei trying to do the same for Wonyoung, and Liz seems to shiver. President Lee speaks up again, saying "I appreciate the promptness, although you could have come at a better time. You quite frightened some of my idols." He noted without looking up.
"I don't like to delay." The stranger says sharply, looking back at President Lee.
"And dropping out of the sky is a necessity?"
He shrugs, then turns and walks closer to us. I peek out from behind Yujin again, looking at him closely. He has a mask over part of his face, a plastic shield with a breathing vent on it. Then, he has a jacket rolled up to his elbow, and what looks like knives strapped to the underside of his wrists, and he has guns on his hips in holsters.

POV: Liz
The stranger who scared Hyunseo comes up to us. I'm standing between Wonyoung and Yujin, with Gaeul next to Wonyoung, then Hyunseo and Rei hiding behind us. I'm surprised to see he has guns, given that they're illegal for everyone in Korea except a few. He stops just short of us, then bows.
"My apologies." Hyunseo nods, and responds to him
"Thank you, sir." Rei then interjects, to ask
"Who are you?" He looks her in the eyes, causing her to immediately look away again.
"They call me Fixer." Gaeul scoffs slightly, still unwelcoming towards the random person who was scaring her members.
"What kind of a name is Fixer?"
"It's my job. I fix things, so, Fixer." Rei leans over to Gaeul and whispers something in her ear. I can't tell if she's trying to tell her to be nicer or telling her to ask something, but Gaeul simply nods and dismisses her, before starting to talk with Fixer again.
"So, you fix stuff? I have something you can help us with. How about you work on that?"
President Lee, hearing this, closes the folder and turns to interrupt. "Now, Gaeul, I think this is something better for your managers to-" Fixer then interrupts him, to say
"No no, please. Continue, miss Kim."
"Actually, I'll let Wonyoung explain it, she's the one being effected."

POV: Wonyoung
Gaeul suddenly threw me into the spotlight, and Fixer turns to look at me closely. I shift my weight, awkward at how closely he seems to be examining me. I cough lightly, then start to explain, "Someone's been leaving notes outside the door to our dorm. Our managers can't do anything about it because it's not illegal to leave notes, but they're very... unpleasant to read."
"It should be harassment but it's complicated because they're anonymous." Liz interjects, and I nod in agreement.
"The others have been throwing them away before I usually see them but I still know when one shows up, and I can guess as to what they say." He nods, contemplating.

"I don't work for free. President Lee paid me Six Billion Won for my most recent work, after all. But this is a much smaller task, so I'm sure we can come to an agreement."
Yujin gasps when he says that, and I can hear Hyunseo say to herself, "six billion Won?" Liz cuts in again, saying,
"We don't have that kind of money."
"Exactly, that's why you shouldn't take up operative Fixer's time." Says President Lee, trying to stop Liz from continuing the conversation.
"I'll look into it. We can decide the payment a later time, if I decide to take the job. For now, we'll just say you owe me one." He bows again, and looking me, then Liz directly in the eyes, says "I'll contact you later." Then, he turns and begins to walk off, grabbing ahold of President Lee's arm as he goes. I can see him make a few hand gestures, and given the tone of their conversation it seems like he's either ordering, or telling off President Lee.

POV: President Lee
After bowing, Fixer grabs my arm and pulls me along with him. I walk alongside him immediately, noticing his frustration easily.
"I'm extremely sorry, they can be rather headstrong. I tried to tell them not to bother you, but-" fixer stops and pulls me to face him.
"I choose what contracts I take. I pick who I talk to. It is not in any way your right to decide if they can talk to me or not, and I don't appreciate people trying to cut me off while I'm talking to someone. And if your idols have so little trust in you and your staff that they'd trust a complete stranger to handle a personal issue, I can see how much trust they place in you." He says, vehemently.
"I'm deeply sorry, I just assumed because I know their request couldn't possibly be worth your time." I try to apologize, realizing I had sized the situation up incorrectly.
"And what makes you say it's not worth my time? Unlike some of us, my effort isn't reserved for gaining money."
"Again, my apologies, Operative Fixer-Ssi." I continue backpedaling, hoping to not burn any bridges with such a capable person.
"And one more thing- if you punish or discipline them for bringing this to my attention, then believe me when I say that your problem won't be with them, but with me. And I, am not a good problem to have."
"Of course. Again, my apologies." I say one more time, certain to not provoke his wrath again.
"Contact me the same way next time you have a contract for me. I'll be in touch if I need to be." Saying this, he turns away and breaks into a run, jogging and then sprinting for the edge of the rooftop. Before I can say anything, he increases to a sprint and makes a jump over the fence and off the building. Behind me, I hear some of the girls shout, and rush to the fence, but fixer is nowhere to be seen. He hasn't landed at the base of the building, nor is he still falling, it's as if he jumped off and disappeared. But, perhaps he did.
"Now what?" Says Rei, confused.
"Apparently, he's taken a shine to you." I sigh, uncertain how I've wound up as the antagonist between someone I'm hiring and my own idol group.

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