Chapter 3

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Pov: Fixer
Tracking down a person is easy. Start with the information you have and see where it connects. To find whoever's dropping the notes, all I need to do is check security footage. The building had CCTV, but it's private. Thankfully, that's not of any concern to me because they keep it on a computer, and I can use computers. So here I sit, on a park bench near their dorm's building, examining the footage from each time there was a note left. A manager had delivered an internal memo to a member of the legal team at Starship asking about if they could place a restraining order. This was supposed to be private, but it was sent via email. Email is on a computer, and I can use computers. Even if people don't want me to.

It took me around an hour to find the person, a nineteen year old boy who was in too deep online. He came on a bike, so there was no car to track, but it wasn't hard to see the pattern of when the letters arrived. I'll leave for the day, and return tomorrow to wait for him to make his mistake. I drove my motorcycle south, into Gyuryeong tunnel. and headed back to my hideout- a small maintenance garage on the side of the tunnel wall, which had a secondary loading bay in the back. Nobody ever asked why it was there, or what it was for. This meant it was perfect for an entrance and exit to my garage. Parking my bike, I took the elevator up to my house. It was simple, as living places went. I had two unused bedrooms, my bedroom, and a living room with attached kitchen. The rest of the apartment was dedicated to work, with rooms such as an armory, a gym, a sim trainer, and an intel room. But I don't need those today, so I walked past them. I had already eaten as well, at the very nice Katsu place across from the Starship building, so I walk to my room, change into some more comfortable clothes, put my gear back in the armory, and go to bed. Tomorrow, I would have to go follow the kid, and persuade or prevent him from posting more notes. After brushing my teeth, I glance one more time in the mirror, and smirk slightly. "The things I do, just to prove someone wrong."

The next day, I took my place outside their apartment building. Although the location isn't public, it's saved in Starship's computers, and I can read computers. The stakeout is long, and boring for a while. With 2 cameras watching from the back corners, and me sitting across from the front door, I can keep every entrance and exit covered. Luckily, around three in the afternoon things finally happen. The kid finally arrives, the same bike and the same hairstyle makes it easy to see from a distance. He parks his bike outside the back door, and steps inside after making sure there's no people insight. Unlucky for him, I can see despite not being in sight. I quickly head around the back, and grab the bike first. It's easy to lock it to a nearby sign post, and I know it'll be picked up in a few days after someone notices. I drain the tires of air, just for good measure. A few minutes later, he steps back outside. I'm leaning against the wall of the building, between him and his bike. He begins walking towards me, but I can easily tell he's trying to examine me to see if I'm going to bother him. He speeds up, and tries to walk past me to his bike, but I interrupt him as he walks past. "It won't help you."
"The bike. And leaving the notes. Neither of them will help you now." I can see the alarm clearly on his face as I turn and move towards him. I shut off the cameras I had set up, and the last thing they hear is the sound of a skull hitting pavement.

Time skip- the next day

POV- Naoi Rei
We had just finished our meeting discussing how our Love Dive promotions had gone so far, and now we were headed back to our dorm. Hyunseo taps me on the shoulder as we walk through the hall and tells me, "I need a new bandaid once we get back, this one is falling off." Yujin, overhearing that, looks over.
"Is your cut any better?" Hyunseo nods,
"Yeah, it's pretty much healed. Actually, I probably don't need a new one." Liz pokes in next, to ask "How did you cut yourself?"
"Oh, when I dropped that plate at the dinner."
"Oh, right. When that secret agent showed up." Hyunseo giggles at that.
"Pretty much. He didn't even tell us what he does, but he said he'd handle that creep for us." She pauses, and thinks for a moment as we leave the building. "Do you think he'll do it?" Liz rolls her eyes.
"Probably not. And if he does, he'll probably want something worse than the stalker did."
"I think he'll do it." Wonyoung counters. "He seemed really genuine when he said he would, and I don't know why he'd lie about it." She argues, supporting his odds.
"Real interesting you're defending him. Wonder why that is, hmmm?" Yujin says, smirking. "Suddenly rushing to support the tall, muscular guy who said he'd protect you?" Gaeul, who had been silent for most of the conversation, begins laughing upon hearing Yujin's accusation.
"No! No no no, that's not it! I just think he'll do it!" Wonyoung blurts out rapidly, blushing as the other members begin to laugh at both her and Yujin's comment. I cut in again, to help Wonyoung by pointing out,
"you know, I never noticed he was muscular. Were you paying attention that closely, Yujin?" My bandmates gasp, looking at Yujin as the tables turn.
"Ya! Stop trying to pin this on me, she's the one who's swooning over him!" She tries to counter, but after saying this can't help but crack up, laughing along with the rest of the group.
"I think it's possible it'll happen, but I don't really know much about the guy so I'll just wait and see." Says Hyunseo, and I nod in agreement.
"Yeah, that's a good idea." I reach over and rub her head, and she smiles shyly. Our manager calls from the front to ask,
"Who is this guy you all met?"
"Just someone CEO Lee introduced us to." Replies Wonyoung, and Liz elbows her with a wink. Wonyoung slaps her arm in response, then turns to look out the window. The rest of the ride is quiet, most of us are in our own thoughts and tired from our busy promotion schedule. Tonight is some time off, thankfully. We arrive at the dorm, and manager pulls up to the door and gets out, then takes a careful look around to make sure there's nobody nearby, and no cameras. Then he opens the door, gesturing them inside. They head inside quickly, ducking their heads until they get into the elevator.

POV: Kim Gaeul
We reach the elevator, and I pull my mask off and sigh. "So what are you all planning to do tonight?"
"I'm going to eat, and sleep." Says Yujin
"I might play some piano." Replies Liz. I don't know how she gets the energy for that, but she just keeps going somehow.
Wonyoung is on her phone, and that's probably what she's going to do tonight as well.
"What kind of food are you getting, Yujin-Unnie?" Asks Hyunseo.
"Oh, I haven't decided yet. You want some?"
She nods excitedly, and Yujin grins. "We'll get whatever we want, for my babies."
"Get me some Gimbap, please" I ask, and she nods.
"I want to take a bath once we get back." Says Rei, and I groan.
"I wanted to take one, though..." Rei grins
"Too slow, Unnie. You can go after me." Hopefully she doesn't take forever. Then again, I can scare her out if I tell her I'll join her, but Liz might get mad. We finally arrive at our floor, and we get out. Yujin unlocks the door to our darkened dorm. We shuffle in, taking off shoes and putting on our slippers. Walking into the living room, Liz turns on the lights, then screams.

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