"I know because... I send them to you when they were on my floor."

"Abigail, they are terrorists! I wouldn't be surprised that they worked together with the assassins. That's what the government is saying that we can't rule out a connection between the groups. Maybe this was all an elaborate plan for me to join them. Rachel Moore asked me to. She tried to manipulate me."


"Do you remember the strange feelings that I had when I was younger?"

"Yes, you thought it was the deviant connection. And either it wasn't, or that person died. You stopped having those."

"I did. The person didn't die. It's her. She made me focus on those memories. How would she know where to look? Well, she is Rachel Moore, after all... It's not impossible that she has been following me around and looking into my memories and using this to try to force some connection with me, for me to join her."

"Maybe it's her."

"Even if it's her. She cut our connection years ago. Why bring it up now?"

"Why do you say that? When was it?"

"Let me think... It was in the year that I turned 16."

"Rachel Moore has two abilities. If I were an evil mastermind like Matthew Moore, I would have my daughter carry out the fatal flaw almost at its limit. The closer to 16..."

"The more powerful the new ability will be... sure. Your point?"

"Maybe it wasn't her that cut the connection, but the fatal flaw! Either way, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you had it for years. You felt all from one another."

"All that I felt was pain. She's that rotten!" Emily tries to stand straight but stops because of the pain. "And she has an agenda. Even tried to convince me of ridiculous things, how the government tests on us. Tries to kill us." Emilly rolls her eyes. "Devil."

"What if it isn't ridiculous? I don't know who to trust anymore."

"Abigail, please tell me insanity is a side effect of yours, because if not, you'll be tested. The first deviant to experience human diseases!"

"I'll leave you to rest."

Abigail leaves and receives a text message with some coordinates. When she goes to the park nearby her house, she finds a package from her favorite bakery, inside a croissant and an old phone with a text saved: hope we can stay in touch! Love, Ánh.


Jade knocks on Emily's bedroom door and sits next to her.

"Yesterday was... intense. You could've died, Emily. And that scared me, sure, but more than that, it made me feel so stupid."

"You're not stupid. Don't say that."

"I know that I'm not. But I felt like it, because there we were, in a life-or-death situation and yours felt like it was too much of a possibility. Everything, all our history, seems futile in comparison. Our trip to Africa and how I treated you there."

"Not just Africa. For too many years now, Jade. You always pull me close and then apart."

"You're right. I think it's just... we've become too familiar with one another. Like, I know that you'll always be there for me no matter what. And instead of appreciating that, instead of treating you like you deserve, I've taken it for granted."

"I don't know what you want me to say." That I feel like a fool whenever you decide we are done. With no explanation. That I feel worthless when you ignore me.

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