Chapter 20

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"Y-you want me?"

"You're having my kid, Vic. I can't leave you. I was stupid to end things."

"But we have no relationship."

"For now."

"What do you mean?"

"You're coming back home."

I looked at Jenna for backup but she shrugged. "He seems like he really cares for you, Vic."

I looked back at Anthony and nodded. "Okay."

Later that night, we were sitting on the couch sharing pizza. "I'm glad you came home, Vic."

"Me too."

Anthony smiled and lightly caressed my face before kissing me when the front door opened, followed by my mother's voice. "WHAT THE FUCK?"

Anthony looked at my mother shamelessly and smiled. "Hi."

"Am I interrupting?"


"I can't believe you kissed him, Vic! You are such a little slut!"

I glared at my mother, boiling with anger. "How can you call your daughter a slut?"

"You kissed my husband!"

"Well, we have some news for you."

My mother looked at Anthony and scowled. "What?"

"She's pregnant with my baby."

"She's WHAT?"

"We are over, Wendy."

My mother laughed. "You really think this will last?"

"You treat Vic like shit, I've been there for her. Not you!"

"That is so not true."


"Yes, really."

Shaking my head, I stood up and went to my bedroom, listening to Anthony and my mother arguing. At this point, I had no sympathy for her. She cheated on her last two husbands and karma is a bitch.

"Are you ready to go?"

Anthony looked at me and helped grab my bag. "Let's go."

"Don't you EVER talk to me again."

I looked at my mom and smiled. "Oh, don't worry. I don't plan on it."

After hours of passionate sex, Anthony and I laid in bed naked. "You sure are good in bed."

Anthony smirked. "I know."

"I can't believe I'm going to be 24 in three months."

"Crazy, isn't it? Time flies."

"Are you hoping for the baby to be a boy or girl?"

"A boy so I can raise him to be just like his father."

"You'll be a great father, Anthony."

Anthony smiled and kissed me. "I know. Especially the day I make you my wife."

"Who says that's going to happen?"

"Only I can be the judge of that, baby."

Once Anthony drifted off to sleep, I questioned if he was going to propose at some point. Hearing him say that about being his future wife made my heart melt. I deep down hoped that it would happen.

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