Chapter 13

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I felt my heart drop to my ass as I noticed Anthony's car pull into the driveway.

"Look who's here."

I shook my head. "Tell him to leave."

Jenna smirked. "Maybe."

I knew he was in love with me, but he needed to stop.

"I'm afraid that he won't stay away from me."

"Are you going to take a pregnancy test?"

"I have to."

"What if you test positive?"

"I'm old enough to do it alone."

Jenna smiled. "You won't be alone, because I will be with you the whole entire time."

"Thanks, Jenna."

Jenna smiled and patted my back. "It'll be okay, Vic."

I wanted to believe her, until I heard a knock on my door. "Coming!"

"Jenna, no."

Ignoring me, she went downstairs and opened the door. "She doesn't want to see you."

"Jenna, please."

"She will talk to you later."

After he left, Jenna leaned against the door frame. "Let's go. You need to take a test."

After we stopped at Target, I got home and took a deep breath. "You've got this, Vic."

Nodding, I went to the bathroom and waited for the result.

Just as I hoped I would be negative, I looked at the test in horror. Oh my god.

"Are you..."

I nodded. "Yes."

"Oh my god, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

"You need to tell Anthony."

"I can't."

"He is the father, Vic. He needs to know."


"I would tell him before he finds out."

"How would he find out?"

"It won't take long for the bump to show, Vic."

"God damn it. I never should have gotten myself in this situation."

"It is what it is. There's nothing you can do about it."

I didn't want to tell Anthony, not yet anyways.

*** The next morning: My mother knocked on my bedroom door and started shouting the moment I opened my eyes. "Get up, Victoria. We are going to breakfast."

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 8:30. "I couldn't sleep last night, I'm exhausted."

She scowled and folded her arms across her chest. "Whose fault is that?"

I got up and glared at her as I opened my closet door. "Hmm, I wonder... I was so excited to share the good news with you and you didn't give two flying fucks, NOW you want to be nice?"

My mother rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Hurry up."

The only thing I could hope for was Anthony to be with her. He was the highlight of my day, especially today.


Wendy talked my ears off, but my attention was only on Victoria. She completely ignored both of us, her face buried in her phone, and I could tell she was upset.

"How was work this morning?"

I looked at Wendy and scowled. "I didn't go to work, remember? You said you had something "important" to talk about."

Wendy smiled. "I just wanted to spend time with my husband and daughter."


"Come on, Anthony. You needed a break!"

"I work everyday to provide for YOU."

"I'm getting a little too old to work, don't you think?"

"Oh, please."

I could tell Victoria was very uncomfortable as she watched us fight and forth until she stood up. "I'm going to Jenna's, I'll see you later."

Ignoring her mother shouting at her, I saw her get in a car and leave. If only I could join her right now. 

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