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"You are daddy's girl, aren't you?" he whispered in my ear."


"Yes what?"

"Yes, daddy."

His hand was wrapped around my neck, the other caressing my body. "You will always be my little girl, Vic. Even if she finds out."

He has always been a father figure to me. Ever since my real dad passed but at this point, it feels even more surreal.

Here I am, sitting on the porch with a Mike's Hard Lemonade in my hand, watching him help with extending the pool size for my uptight mother.

She cheated on her two other husbands after my father passed, and I am sure she'll do the same with him, but this man is far out of her league. Anthony is just far too perfect.

The scorching Georgia heat had me sweating and I noticed the sweat beads on his forehead. God was he handsome, but I had to play hard to get. It is the only way.

"Hey, Vic?"

I am snapped out of fantasy when I notice Anthony standing in front of me, a smile on his face.


"Surprise, surprise. Your mother is out having dinner with her clients again, and I refuse for you to starve. What do you think about getting something to eat?"

"Oh, I don't mind cooking."

He looked at me and scowled. "Your burnt, Vic. You should put some sunscreen on."

Smirking, I grabbed the spray bottle and looked at him. "Maybe daddy can help me. I can't reach."

His face suddenly darkened. "I'm not your father, Victoria. He passed."

His words stung and I looked away in embarrassment. "Vic, wait."

Ignoring him, I went into the house and changed into the new bikini I bought with Jenna at Victoria's Secret yesterday.

I know Anthony's into me, he just won't admit it, but I know better. Besides, there's no harm in playing games. I have a reputation, why not live up to it? 

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