Chapter 19

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Around 2:30, I called Victoria and it went to voicemail: "Hey Vic, I know I sound super drunk right now. Which I kind of am, but I got into a huge fight with your mom. I was so damn stupid leaving you, I promise it will never happen again, please come back to me or tell me where you are."

After four days of no response from Victoria, I began to feel foolish. I really thought that we would be together forever? Hell no. She was not my one night stand but she wasn't my forever. I know she is probably feeling that way and I hate myself for it.

Even drowning myself with projects does nothing to get my mind off of Vic.

It was until the week after when I got a call from a number I did not recognize. "Is this Anthony?"

"Yeah, who's this?"

"I'm Jenna, Vic's best friend."

"Oh my god, where is she?"

"She's fine, she's at my place."

"Thank god. Can I see her?"

"I don't know if she wants that."

"I don't care what she wants. I need to see her. Now."

"I was just told to tell you that she's fine."

"I need to see her. I have been so worried, it's not even funny."

"Well I know Vic will kill me, but I'll text you my address."

I was finally able to be within reach of Vic. I knocked on the door and Jenna smiled. "Hi."

"Hey. Is she here?"

"She's sleeping right now. She's been exhausted for well... you know."

"I need to speak to her."

"Her room is the first door on the left."

Nodding, I went inside and found her sleeping soundly. I knew I shouldn't wake her, but I craved her at that moment too much to care. She was woken the moment I took her shorts off. "Anthony?"


"W-what are you doing?"

"I missed this so bad."

"We shouldn't, I'm..."

"There's no bump yet, we still have time."




I could act like I hated him all I wanted but I couldn't help but to give into him. The pleasure was far too good to give up.


He finished shortly after and looked at me, a sincere look on his face. "I was so worried about you, Vic."


"Do you want me to be honest with you?"


"My marriage is falling apart, Vic and you are the only one who actually keeps my sanity."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Getting that bad, eh?"

"You have no idea."

"I'm not that special."

"To me, you are."


"I want to end things with your mother."


"I don't want her anymore, Vic. I want you."

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