Prisoner and Meeting Father Christmas

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(Dungeons in The Witch's Castle)

Edmund is curled up on the floor while his feet are chained. He grabbed the food they brought him and it's a very dry meat of some kind that made him gag as he took a bite but when he tried to wash it down with water her found that the water was frozen solid. He then heard some chains rattling and a small voice from the side.

"If....If you're not going to eat that....."

Ed looked over and saw a creature in chains. Ed slowly moved over to the creature as the creature slowly crawled over.

"I'd get up but... But my legs."

The creature ate the meat ravenously as if he hadn't eaten in days which was probably accurate.

Edmund saw the legs and saw that he was exactly as Lucy had described and he put two and two together

[Edmund] "Mr... Tumnus?"

[Mr. Tumnus] "What's left of him."

Sung who was watching from Tumnus' shadow, saw that for once Edmund wasn't a complete idiot.

Mr Tumnus looked at Edmund and felt he looked familiar.

[Mr. Tumnus] "You're Lucy Pevensies' brother?"

[Edmund] "I'm Edmund."

[Mr. Tumnus] "Yes, yes. You have the same nose. Is your sister alright? Is she safe?"

[Edmund] "I don't know."

There was a sound of a door unlocking which made Mr Tumnus quickly move back to where he was, same as Edmund. Edmund saw The Witch and Ginnebrik walk in.

[Jadis] "I just recieved word that my police tore that dam apart and not only are my police missing, but your little family was nowhere to be found."

The Witch grabbed Edmund by the collar, lifted him off the ground brought him an inch from her face.

[Jadis] "Where did they go?"

[Edmund] "I-i-i don't know!

[Jadis] "Then you are of no further use to me."

The Witch threw Edmund back on the ground and raised her staff to freeze him into stone.

[Edmund] "Wait!! The Beaver said something about Aslan! and we met The Dark Protector"

[Jadis] "Aslan? The Dark Protector? Where?"

[Edmund] "I-..... "

Tumus interjected from the side.

"He's a stranger here your majesty, he can't be expected to know anything! [Groans]"

Ginnebrik smacked Tumnus with the butt of his ax shouting him up.

[Jadis] "I said.... Where is Aslan and The Dark Protector?"

Edmund looked at Tumnus who had a pleading look as if he was saying "Don't tell her anything."

[Edmund] "I-i don't know. I left before they said anything. I wanted to see you!"

[Jadis] "Guard!!"

The prison guard, a cyclops, walked in.

[Guard] "Your majesty?"

[Jadis] "Release the Faun."

The guard grunted in acknowledgement and used a hammer to break Mr Tumnus' chains on his legs which caused Tumnus to yelp in pain.

The guard then brought Tumnus before the witch.

[Jadis] "Do you know why you're here faun?"

[Mr. Tumnus] "Because I believe in a free Narnia."

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