Adapting, Aslan's Departure, and The Arrival

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After 20 years of staying in Narnia, Sung was introduced to Aslan's allies and they had verified his strength and power. At first they were scared of his power, thinking he'd be another like The White Witch considering his dark power, but eventually they came to trust him and through his efforts he was even given a title by the Narnians. He was called The Dark Protector.

Sung had stopped many of the witch's allies from attacking the friendly Narnians and she was extremely frustrated as she never found the mastermind behind the attacks, just shadows that never seemed to die and would always reform after she destroyed them. The witch found that she could only freeze them into statues to stop them, but there were always more soldiers to take their places. Eventually she just decided to avoid the areas with mass amounts of shadow soldiers and focus on the area with a lesser amount that she could just freeze and take the area back.

Sung allowed this to happen as he was curious how she was able to turn his soldiers into statues. The frozen soldiers were greyed out in his interface and couldn't be accessed at all it was almost like his connection to them had been interrupted. It was still there but he couldn't utilize it.

An anoying thing Sung figured out throughout his time here is that his inventory doesn't work the same here. He can still put things into the inventory and take them out, but he can't access any of the things from his old world. He asked Aslan about it and he said something like the laws of Narnia prohibited their entrance into the world. Sung didn't really understand how it all worked but he didn't really care as he didn't really need his weapons as this world just used regular medieval weapons.

He had commissioned a dwarven blacksmith to make him two short swords that he used instead of his daggers. His daggers were already about the size of short swords anyways so he didn't care.

During his time with Aslan, Sung had found out that Aslan was actually away before he arrived, doing what, Sung didn't know, but Aslan only came back when he sensed Sung's arrival in Narnia and left shortly after. In total Sung only spent about 2 years with Aslan until he left again. Aslan only stayed long enough to verify that the new arrival wasn't a bigger threat than the witch and after he verified that, he helped facilitate Sung's assimilation into Narnia and ask for his help after finding out his strength. Sung didn't know why he left, but he didn't ask. He attributed it to the fact that Sung was there to watch over everything so there was nothing to worry about, and Aslan couldn't even act against the witch directly so there was no point in him staying.

(Time Skip 98 Years)

It has now been 100 years total since Sung's arrival in Narnia and tensions are heating up. There are an increasing number of altercations between members of the witch's side and those that sided with Aslan. Sung decided after about 30 years as their sole protector, that he had to let them fight some there own battles otherwise they would grow complacent and relient on his help and he wouldn't always be in Narnia.

This decision did cause some negative feelings towards Sung as the Narnians felt he didn't care anymore and some even said he might be in league with the witch.But, after seeing how he still helped when they were very close to losing their lives and after he had gathered them together and told them his reasons, they understood and made sure that they would not grow to rely on him to solve all their problems for them.

Despite the Narnians earlier anger at Sung, they have gotten over it and are now wishing the prophecy can be fulfilled sonner rather than later.

Sung has been living with a family of beavers for the last few years. He met The beavers some years after Aslan's departure and instantly took a liking to them. They were the first normal animals that Sung had talked to, as he had mostly conversed with animals like tigers, cheetahs, and of course the fauns and centaurs. They offered him a place to stay as they seemed to have taken a liking to him as well. They had heard the stories about Sung over the years before he ever came to live with them.

Sung paid them back by having his soldiers help the beavers build their dam better than it had been, and helped to gather food for them and keep the witch's lackeys off their back as she was particularly tough on them.

The Narnians were about to have their wishes about the prophecy fulfilled as right at this very moment, a young girl had just bumped into a frozen tree branch and then turned and saw a frozen forest. She took a step into the forest in awe and decided to explore. Thus became her first visit to Narnia. The prophecy has arrived.

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