Chapter 10 - A Heavenly Wedding

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Harry and Kaidan had been planning their wedding for months, and the more they planned, the more excited they became. They both knew that their wedding was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and they wanted to make it perfect in every way possible.

The beautiful lush planet they had chosen was everything they could have ever dreamed of. The air was warm and fragrant, and the neon-coloured flowers and crystals shone brilliantly in the starry night. As they walked towards the altar, they felt a deep sense of peace and joy, knowing that they were about to embark on a new journey together, as a married couple.

Harry was dressed in his royal outfit, with a long white velvet robe that trailed behind him as he walked. His closest friend Brice was by his side, holding his arm, as they made their way towards the fly car that would take Harry to the top of the mountain where Kaidan was waiting for him.

As they reached the top of the mountain, Harry stepped out of the fly car and was met with the stunning sight of the entire crew of the ship gathered around the altar. They were all dressed in their finest clothes, and they were smiling and cheering, happy to witness the beautiful union of their two friends.

Kaidan stood at the altar, waiting for Harry with a big smile on his face. As Harry approached him, Kaidan took his hand and they walked down the aisle together. They were both filled with so much love and emotion, and they knew that this was the moment they had been waiting for.

The crew members were all cheering and clapping, happy to witness the beautiful union of their two friends. The couple exchanged their vows, promising to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.

As they exchanged rings, sealing their love for each other, the crew members let out a loud cheer, showing their love and support for the newlyweds.

After the ceremony, Harry and Kaidan got into a small shuttle and flew across the other side of the planet to a very large glass skyscraper, where they had arranged their reception.

The skyscraper was decorated with stunning floral arrangements, and the crew members had set up a beautiful buffet with food prepared by Kaidan himself. Everyone was happy and enjoying the beautiful views from below.

As the night progressed, Harry and Kaidan danced together, lost in each other's embrace. They were surrounded by the love and happiness of their friends and crew members, who had come from all over the galaxy to celebrate their special day.

As they danced, Harry whispered into Kaidan's ear, "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you as my husband. You make me the happiest person in the universe."

Kaidan smiled and replied, "I feel the same way. I love you more than anything in the world, and I promise to always be there for you, through thick and thin."

The night was a magical one, filled with love and happiness. It was a celebration of the love and devotion that Harry and Kaidan shared, and it would be remembered by all who attended.

As the night drew to a close, Harry and Kaidan knew that they had found their happily ever after, in each other's arms forever. They were excited to start their new journey together, and they knew that with each other by their side, anything was possible.

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