Chapter 2 - Joining the Crew

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Harry was welcomed aboard the ship with open arms, the crew was excited to have a new captain, especially one who had such a unique backstory. Kaidan, being the previous captain, took it upon himself to introduce Harry to the crew and explain the ship's functions. As soon as Harry stepped on the ship, Kaidan handed over the captain's hat to him and wished him the best of luck. Harry was amazed at the technology of the ship and the dedication of the crew. As they walked through the engine room, Kaidan explained that Harry would be in charge of the ship's operations. Harry was a bit nervous, but Kaidan reassured him that he had the skills to lead the team.

Harry's first day as a captain was a bit overwhelming. He was still getting used to the ship's technology and the various personalities of the crew. However, he quickly found his footing and began to excel in his new role. Kaidan was impressed with Harry's leadership skills and dedication to the ship. He had a natural talent for leading and quickly won over the respect of the crew.

Over the next few weeks, Harry continued to impress the crew with his work ethic and leadership skills. He spent long hours in the engine room, ensuring that the ship was running smoothly. Kaidan was always there to offer guidance and support, but Harry was quickly becoming an integral part of the team.

As Harry became more comfortable with the crew and the ship, Kaidan noticed a change in him. He was more confident and at ease, and his interactions with the crew became more relaxed. Kaidan knew that he had made the right decision in handing over the captaincy to Harry, who had proven himself to be an exceptional leader. Harry had resumed his role as the captain of the ship, and the crew was proud to serve under his command.

One day, Kaidan asked Harry about his life on Earth. Harry opened up about his past, explaining how he had always felt like he didn't fit in and how he longed for adventure. Kaidan listened attentively, amazed at how much Harry had overcome to make it to the ship. Kaidan shared his own experiences with Harry, telling him about the challenges he had faced as second in command and how he had overcome them. Harry was grateful for Kaidan's guidance and support, and the two of them quickly became close friends. As Harry continued to excel in his role as a Captain, the crew began to see him in a new light. He was no longer just the new guy, but a respected leader of the ship. The crew began to rely on him more and more, and he was soon given more responsibilities on the ship. Despite his success on the ship, Harry still struggled with his self-confidence. He had always been self-conscious about his small size and skinny frame, which had made him feel out of place on Earth. Kaidan noticed Harry's insecurities and suggested that he enter the body-enhancing chamber.

At first, Harry was hesitant. He had never considered altering his body before, but Kaidan explained that it was a common practice among the crew. Harry eventually decided to give it a try and was amazed at the results. He emerged from the chamber with the muscular, toned physique that he had always dreamed of. Not only did Harry feel more confident in his new body, but he also found that his memories of past missions had been restored. He was excited to use his newfound strength and skills to help the crew on their next mission. As Harry continued to grow in confidence and skill, he and Kaidan grew closer. They spent long hours together, discussing everything from past missions to their hopes and dreams for the future. Kaidan had always been drawn to Harry, and now he was beginning to realize that his feelings for Harry went beyond friendship.

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