I started looking for my things around the room and saw my phone on the side bed and quickly rushed over to it. Damn my phone is flat, and I don't know where I can find a charger around here. I don't have time for that.

I went back to the window and noticed I was probably on the second floor of the house. And I couldn't use the window. That was high.
My next way out would be the door.

I run to the door slowly opening it. Seeing that there was no one around the corridors. The floor was covered in creamy white soft carpet with the walls being white and a touch of gold there and then. With expensive looking furniture, portraits, and flowers in vases all over the place, giving a sense of royalty, and this was truly beautiful. I've never seen something like this.

But I still had to find a way out.

I slipped out. I don't know where I was going. I took so many turns in hopes that I would find the exit. I passed one door, which was different from the other doors. This one was big and looked like it was the most important part of this massive house.

At this point, this was a castle. I didn't have time to look stunned and ran down the corridor, making sure no one was following me and lucky I was right, I was all alone.

I ran until I saw a big staircase. All I could do was smile and rush down the staircase. Seeing the door a few steps down, my heart jumped in joy. I was finally going home. Before I could open the door, someone grabbed my arm tightly, and I yelp in pain.

I turned around to face a tall, strong man who looked like he was in his late 20s with brown hair and covered in tattoos wearing a suit. I kicked and punched when try to grab me but honestly fuck that, I'm going home. Did I mention that this motherfucker was strong and he picked me up from the floor without any problem.

I kicked his dick and he quickly dropped me with him on the ground, groaning, and that was the go I needed. Before I could run, he pulled my hair back and grabbed my neck with his hand, basically choking me.

"You little bitch! I'll make sure you learn a lesson." He dragged me up the stairs with me screaming for him to let me go. Of course he didn't, I kicked and tried to punch him. Key word: "tried"

"Ohh, you are a hard one, aren't you? I'll have fun fucking that attitude out of you. You hear that you whore!"
Fear rose in my body.

"No, no, no, please let me go!"I cried out he didn't let go. He faced me with a smirk on his face. I wanted to punch it off his face. "I love them when they beg." I looked disgusted and spate in his face.

And that made he mad. Before I could register anything he slapped me and I fell back. I tried to stand up but he kicked me in my gut. I cried and silently begged for all this to stop. He pulled my hair back now that I was looking and him.

"I'll enjoy fucking you tight little pussy you fucking pathetic whore. You'll wish you were never born and I'll make sure every guy fucks you till you beg for them to kill you!" He punched me in the face making my head hit the wall hard and collapse on the floor.
I felt helpless, I couldn't move. It all hurt.

"What's going on out here?" A deep mysterious voice asked. At this point I couldn't even pick up my head to see who it was.
"Nothing boss, this little bitch has to be taught a lesson" he said chuckling. Someone quickly pulled me towards him on the floor, and I saw the same grey eyes looking down at me.


Those same beautiful grey eyes were filled with so much anger.

That's all I saw. He stared at me with hurting eyes. Why is he here again?
"Tell me why i shouldn't put a bullet in your head?" Grey eyes asked the man in front of us. He trembled. Grey eyes looked at him and asked again "Tell me why the fuck i shouldn't put a bulletin your head!!?"

The man looked terrified and looked weak. "Sir I was just having fun with her. I didn't know she was your whore."

He froze and stood up slowly leaving me on the floor facing the man who looked scared.

"Don't call her that you asshole! Who taught to treat women like this?" Honestly I was so confused. Grey eyes grabbed a gun from him side and pointed it to the man who was shitting himself. "Sir, I'm sorry, i didn't know."

Before he could say anything, a bullet echoed and ended up in the middle of his head. He looked at me with blood coming out of the whole the bullet made and his body fell to the ground. With his eyes looking lifeless and empty.

He was gone. I stared at his lifeless body until grey eyes pulled me towards him and hugged me. I was in shock. I have never seen anyone get killed. He's gone. He shot him and felt no regret doing it.

He killed him.

He killed him.

He killed him.

"Are you ok? Please look at me and tell me you are ok, princessa?" I looked at him and looked at him with horror. He killed him. What if he kills me? No, he won't. He saved me. He called my name and looked at me. How does he know my name?

"Isabella, look at me." His voice. I don't know how to describe it. He sounded concerned and worried. As if he was begging me to talk to him.

I felt light. the next thing i know, my head was about to hit the floor when he caught me trying to hold onto my weak body. He moved his hand from my head and noticed there was blood.

He looked terrified. He quickly took out his phone and talked to someone in Italian and soon ended the call trying to keep me up. I was getting so tired.

Before I could hear what he wanted to say. I want to stay up, but i can't. Once again, I fell into another deep dark sleep agian.

Why is Liam so protective over her?

Maybe the devil does care about someone after all hehehe.


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