"Oh hey." Amara peaks her head in at me.

I make a pathetic move to jump up as fast as possible.

"Hey you okay?" I ask and she nods.

"Do you mind if I come in?" She asks and I nod.

"Come in." I tell her.

She steps into the room in her tiny red dress and I focus my attention on Jax's ceiling.

Jesus fucking Christ.

"Just the person I was looking for actually." She says and I raise an eyebrow.

Don't fall for it and don't look at her.

"Why won't you look at me?" Ugh Jesus.

I slowly look from the ceiling to her and she smiles.

"Better." She smiles.

"You okay?" I ask and she nods.

"I actually wanted to ask for a favour." She says pushing her long hair from her shoulders to her back.

"Um..." Matteo is going to kill me. Actually kill me.

"It's nothing like that." She says rolling her eyes.

"Then why are you dressed like that?" I ask and she just rolls her eyes playfully.

"I was wondering... if you could get me a fake driving licence." Oh Matteo will kill me for sure.

"Why?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. Nothing good will come of this.

"I need to go out and socialise." She tells me whilst looking around Jax's room.

"And that involves you wearing... that?" I say glancing down at her outfit. "And a fake ID?" I ask and she nods.

"You've seen me in less, Gio. In fact you've seen me in nothing." She says and I try not to think about it for too long.

But now I am thinking about it and I can't stop.

Her lips. Her body. Her eyes.

Ah fuck.

"I'm not 21 yet." She says snapping me out of my daydream.

I shake my head for no, to scared of what I'll say if I open my mouth. Matteo will kill me.

"Please." She begs and I just watch as she does.

"I'll do anything." She says and I smile.


"For a fake ID?" I ask just to make sure.

"Yes." She nods.

"Okay." I say and her eyes light up.

I grab my phone and start texting one of our guys that I know for a fact sells fake ID's.

"I'm going to need a photo." I tell her and she nods and quickly scrolls through her phone.

She turns her phone around to show me.

"Will this one do?" She asks showing me a photo of her tits.


"I meant for your ID." I say and she lets out a laugh.

"Oh sorry." She says and then continues to scroll through her phone.

Don't even think about it. Not anymore. Put it to the back of your mind.

Nope I can't.

"Gio." She snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Just send me the photo. I'll send it to him." I say and she nods.

I get the photo of her and send it straight to my guy.

"Thank you." She squeezes my forearm.

"It won't be done till tomorrow." I lie and she nods, sighing.

"Damn it." She shrugs.

She runs a hand through her hair and I see the big rock on her finger.

"That's a big rock huh?" I say. We haven't spoke about her engagement ring at all. Matteo told me her fiancés terms.

"Oh, uh, yeah." She says glancing down at him.

"You don't have to marry him. You're going to find someone who loves you." I say and she looks around.

"Getting someone to fall in love with me isn't the hard part, have you met me?" I let out a laugh and she just shrugs.

"It's true. Guys fall at my feet. I have no problem with that." She tells me.

"Then what's the hard part?" I ask and she shrugs as she heads over to the window.

"It's so pretty here." She says as she slips open the balcony door and heads into the balcony.

"Not as nice as Italy though right?" Italy is beautiful and yes as much as New York is amazing and it has its places, it doesn't compete.

"Italy has its own kind of beauty. As does New York." She says letting me follow behind her.

I close the door as the cold hits me straight in the face. New York winters are freezing cold.

I watch Amara shiver and take my jacket off to wrap around her shoulders.

"Thanks." She says holding her self up.

"So what's the hardest part?" I ask and she shrugs again.

"Amara." I sigh trying to get an answer from her.

"I've got to love them." She admits sighing.

"Oh, you don't love easily?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"There's only been one person I've ever loved. Matteo." She tells me as she leans against the railing.

"Do you want to marry him?" I ask.

I hope she says no, it will give me a fighting chance.

"I don't really have a choice." She shrugs.

"That's not what I asked." I say and she glances over at me.

"You already know my answer." She says.

"No I don't." I tell her.

"I don't want to marry him." She tells me and I just nod.

Thank god for that.

The Harsh lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें