I was sitting in Potions beside Sam, constantly looking around the room. Luna was in front of me with a girl named Cho Chang, behind us was a boy with scruffy dark hair and round glasses and a boy with red hair and freckles. Behind them was a girl with sorta fizzy hair and a girl with dark hair. I kept glancing at the door, then sighed in relief as Dean came in, Castiel and Gabriel following behind. "Oh thank God" I said as they sat at the desks on the other side of us. After a while, the mean-looking teacher, Snape, strode in the room, his cloak twirling as he spun to face the class. "I will begin by taking roll, then will continue on with today's lesson" he said, then stood at his desk as he read off a paper. After he read through most of the names, he stopped after mine, Sam's and Dean's, "Winchesters?" He asked.

My eyes grew wide with fear, hoping to God that he didn't know who or what we were. He then finished roll and put the paper down, then said, "To begin today's lesson, i will have a student come up and demonstrate the potion i have written on the board" Snape told us in a low, bored, monotone voice, nothing compared to Castiel's monotone voice. "Any volunteers?"

No one answered, instead, the entire class stayed quiet except for the girl a few rows back, the one with the frizzy hair, who had her hand raised.

"No volunteers? Mr. Potter?" He said, purposely ignoring the girl, turning his glare to the boy with the glasses that was sitting behind me.

The boy looked up, "I... I don't know that potion, sir, I'm afraid i can't perform it, I don't even have those ingredients" he said.

"Pity. 5 points from Gryffindor" Snape replied, then his eyes fell on mine, "what about you, Miss Winchester?" He drawled out.

"I honestly don't know that potion, besides I'm new here, along with my brothers" I said, sounding way braver than I felt. This man was more intimidating than any monster that we've ever killed.

"Shame. 5 points from Ravenclaw" he said.

"What?! Why?!" I asked, but he ignored me, waving his wand at the board, a piece of chalk writing out a new potion.

"I expect you all to brew this potion with the partner beside you, if there are any mess ups, points will be deducted from your houses" he said, turning his glare to me and 'Potter'.

I bit back my tongue so i wouldn't make a snarky comment, i didn't want to be the cause of losing house points.

After he assigned us to our work, i spoke to Sam while dropping the ingredients into rhe cauldron after following the instructions on the board, "it's official. I hate him" I said

"Don't let him get to you, Savannah, he just wants to see how long you last with him" he told me

"Well if he keeps it up, I'm gonna make Gabriel or Cas smite him" I threatened under my breath, stirring the potion.

"Does he hate all new students?" I asked Sam as we waited for the potion to brew.

"Yes" i heard a voice answer from behind me. I turned to see the voice came from that 'Potter' boy. "He hated me when I started my first year, still hates me til this day as you can see"

I shook my head, "how do you put up with him?" I asked.

He shrugged, "have no idea, i just do, I guess I have the patience" he said.

"Knowing my brother Dean over there, he'd probably cost your house a ton of points if Snape ever challenged him" I said, Sam nodding in agreement. "But don't worry, we have Castiel and Gabriel to watch over him." I added. "Besides, if anything, Gabriel will be just as bad, except with pranks"

He laughed, then nudged the red-head next to him, "sounds like Fred and George have a new member"

The red-head cocked an eyebrow, "whataya mean?" He asked

"Gabriel is like Pro at pranks. Calls himself a trickster and believe me, he knows what he's doing" I added.

The red-head groaned, "great, he's probably gonna give Fred and George new ideas" he complained, causing us to laugh.

"I'm Harry by the way, this is Ron Weasely"

"Savannah, this is my brother Sam and my other brother Dean, the one drumming on the table" I said, pointing Dean out. "And that's Castiel and Gabriel Novak, they're friends of ours" I added, gesturing to Castiel and Gabriel who were also waiting for their potion to brew.

Harry nodded, "well, nice to meet you two, um, I've met Dean, Castiel and Gabriel. Castiel seems rather interesting, reminds me of Luna in a way, what with his curiosity" he told me,

"That's Cas for ya" I said.

"So, what are you into?" Harry asked, trying to spark a casual conversations as Snape passed by.

I thought, "well, I love classic rock, i draw, I travel a lot with my brothers and Cas and Gabe" I told him. "I also read a lot and i tend to be a bit clumsy"

Sam laughed, "it's true, don't know where she got the clumsiness"

"Whatever, as you can see, I have a Moose for a brother" I teased Sam, causing Harry to laugh. "Who's the smartest?" He asked,

"Sam" I said, "Dean calls him a geek 'cause Sammy here is always researching or reading up on something"

"Sounds like someone we know" Ron commented, gesturing to the frizzy-haired girl at the table behind them. Harry laughed, "yeah, Hermione is like the brains of our group, she's practically a library book"

"Well then she's perfect for Sam" i chimed, laughing, earning Sam's bitchface. I giggled, "aw, you know I love you Sammy" i said, then turned back to the potion, seeing it was almost done, unaware of the eyes that were trailing down my body. I turned back around to Harry as Luna came practically floating over to us. "Hello" she greeted,

"Hey Luna" we replied, she was a lot like Cas now that I look at her, except for the blonde hair.

"I am entirely unsure of this, but aren't we supposed to go to Hogsmeade next week?" She asked.

"I think so, but I didn't hear anything about it" Harry replied.

"Oh 'cause, I have this new outfit i would like to wear when I go, but I'm not sure when it is" she said,

"Well, we can ask Dumbledore at dinner, maybe he knows" Harry suggested.

"Okay" Luna nodded, then crossed back over to her partner.

"Hogsmeade?" Me and Sam asked.

"Yeah, it's like a village, has shops and whatnot, we're allowed to go if we have permission slips signed from our parents or guardians. It happens a few times" Harry informed us.

"Wait, what is Quidditch?" I asked, "I heard a lot of students talking about the upcoming game"

"Quidditch is like soccer, same concept, except in the air on broomsticks and a few changes" he told me.


"What is classic rock?" Harry asked in return.

"Music created by rock bands such as ACDC, Black Sabbath, Scorpions, Led Zepplin, Metallica, Queen, um, and a whole lot more. Dean's the one that listens to it, that's how I know most of it" i told him. "I can show you sometime" I added,

"Sure, I'd like that" Harry smiled.

I smiled back, then Snape's voice ruined everything, "I presume you are all finished" he said, his arms crossed, glaring down at me, Sam, Ron and Harry. "Almost, Professor" we all replied.

He narrowed his eyes, then strode off.

"God i hate him" I said under my breath, checking the potion, then pouring some of it into the vials that we had on our desk once the potion finished brewing. After i topped the vial, i placed it on Snape's desk, then went back to sit with Sam.

After a while, class was dismissed and I was so relieved to be free for the rest of the day...

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