Chapter Twenty-two

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Anna's P.O.V.

"Because I love you." He says. Did he really just say that? He loves me and I think I love him back.

"I think I love you too," I reply and blush a little.

"You think?" He questions.

"That's a big word that means a lot, you can't just say it to anyone."

"Well, then I'm glad you think you do." He says and leans in and kisses me. I smile and pull away. He looks at me confused.

"There's no doubt that your the best person that I've ever known," I say and his cheeks turn a little pink but he smiles at me.

4 days later
"Ya, Ya I'll take it easy," I say to Matt as he helps me down the hospital stairs.

"That's what you said last time." He says not letting go of me. I just laugh at him. Once we get down the stairs I slowly sit in Zach's car. Matt's truck would be difficult to get in and we have to pik up the other two. Then he looks at me with concerned eyes and says "Are you ready?"

"No, but if you all are there to help me I think I can make it through it," I say trying not to panic about going to court. We pick up Rosie and Zach which was easy because they were at the same house, go figure and start to head towards the court. Once we pull in that's when it really hits me that I'm going to be in the same building as him. I surprise myself and everyone else when I say "Let's go." and open my door, Matt helps me out and puts an arm around me so I don't put a lot of pressure on my side. We walk in and my lawyer is there, Rosie and Zach sit in the front row while Matt and I go and talk to my lawyer.

"Ok, I can ask the judge if you can go, but I can't guarantee anything." I nod to her. I see her talk to the judge and then she walks back to us. "She said you can after we go through somethings, but you might have to come back in, so you can wait out there." She says and points to a door. I nod my head. "We are ready to begin." After the jury and everyone stands we begin. "He will be charged with kidnap for both times he has, but the paper here says you were abused. Do you have any proof?" I judge asks.

My lawyer stands and shows the pictures of when I was in the hospital both times and I have to look away. Matt puts his hand on my back and says comforting words. I zone out the rest of the time because I can't take it anymore. Then I hear the judge ask me a question. "Is it correct you were mentally and sexually abused?" She has the proof, but she still has to ask me.

"Yes." My lawyer smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up.

"Thank you, Miss." The judge says and then her lawyer whispers to her.

"You may leave for now." I nod my head and Matt helps me up, once we get out Zach and Rosie meet us.

"Hey, you're doing great," Rosie says and gives me a gentle hug.

"Ya, you did really good," Zach says and also gives me a hug. We start to walk down the hallway when I see him. I freeze. Matt switches sides so I can't see him, but I still could hear what he said.

"I'll get you back you b*tch." The cop grabs him to keep him in line and Zach punches him in the face. Matt pulls me along to try and stop the panic attack that is coming.

Zach's P.O.V.
"I'll get you back you b*tch." I hear that coward. I can't restart myself, Anna is like a sister to me and he hurt her, so I punch him in the jaw. The cop looks at me about to call backup but then sees me.

"Zach?" I look at the cop.

"Jojo? Man you work here?" I ask and he smiles at me.

"Ya, and what did he do?" He says and makes coward stand.

"He hurt one of my friends," I say and give him a glare.

"Oh, well I didn't see anything." He says.

"Thanks, man, trust me when you see the pictures and hear what he did you will want to punch him too," I say, the coward smiles at me and I have to restrain everything not to hit him again.

"Ok, well I'll say he fell because there's a bruise forming," Jojo says and pushes the b*stard forward.

"Thanks so much, man," I say and he nods, then I head out to find everyone else. I see Anna trying to calm down as Matt talks to her. Then I see Rosie watching. I walk over to her.

"You scared me, what if you went to jail for that." She says and punches me in the arm.

"Sorry, but he deserved it and he fell remember," I say giving her the hint. She nods her head a little.

"Ya, ok. That was kind of hot, but don't do it again." She says and smiles at me a little and looks at Anna.

Anna's P.O.V.

"He can't hurt you, there are a ton of cops here ok." Matt's says. He's been saying words to help me and they have been helping but I can't get my breathing to go back to normal. After about another 5 minutes of Matt trying to calm me down it final works.

"Thank you," I say and hug him with one arm because moving my other arm would hurt my side.

"No need to, but are you good?" I nod and we walk over to Zach and Rosie.

"Thanks he deserved it, but don't do it again because you could get in big trouble," I say and lightly punch him on the shoulder.

"I know the cop, but if anyone asks, he fell. I didn't punch him." Zach says looking around to see if anyone heard. Then we all sit and wait for the news. After an half an hour we finally know the news. He guilty of everything he was charged with. Then we see him get put in a cell and I get the courage to say. "Have fun rotting in there forever." And walk away smiling, I ignore whatever's he says and all four of us walk out holding hands again and I smile because not that I just told him, but because these people are amazing.

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