Chapter Two

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My third day at school and I have to do a project with one of the guys that are only here because their parents are rich.  He's beyond the word of a jerk and thinks he runs the school because his parents work at this high top place, or that's the front that he puts up.

"So, you can do all the work and I'll take the credit kay." He says not even looking at me. Nope, a complete asshole. Who the hell is even that forward that they aren't going to do the work? 

"Uh, No, I'm not doing it all by myself, it's a partner project. I know that you might not understand, but that means we both do work." I say with an annoyed expression. The was no way in hell I was going to do all of the work and not get credit for it.

He looked a little surprised at what I said, but then smirks, "Yes, you are." And then he shoves the papers at me. I flinch thinking he was going to hit me, stupid, stupid, instinct. He laughs at me and his stupid friends joined in. Grrr, why do I have to get scared easily? 

"No, if you want any credit you're helping me," I say pushing the papers to the middle a little more bold than usual, but we're in a classroom. He wouldn't hurt me, I hoped. I wasn't about to back down and be used yet again. 

I shouldn't have pushed the papers back because he got pissed. One look that told me he wanted to hurt me and I ran out of the room trying not to panic in front of everyone. I quickly went to the nearest wall outside the door. "Hold it together," I kept telling myself as I sank into the wall. I wrap my arms around myself rocking back and forth with my knees to my chest, it was a calming affect.

It's not long after that the teacher walks out kneeling down beside me. "Are you ok Anna?" He asks with concern in his voice. 

"Fine, but can I be paired with a different person?" I question standing up and pulling myself together. No breakdowns for me. He looks like he was going to say no but then changed his mind and nods. "Thank you," I say relieved. He just nodded his head again.

"Matthew, can you come here?" The teacher says to a boy sitting in the front of the room working on the project alone. Can I just do that?

"Yes, Mr.H.?" He asks walking up to the teacher.

"Can you work with Anna, she was having trouble working with Nate?"

"Yeah, no one can work with him anyways." He says smiling at me. I just nod my head and follow him.

"Ok, so we only have two days to come up with a project and get it done, so we will have to go to a library or one of our houses or dorm to finish the project. Which do you prefer?" He asks while staring at me. Ok, think Anna, my house? No way it's very tiny because it's just me and it's the cheapest I could afford. His house or dorm, no, no, definitely not he could hurt me there or corner me or I could break in front of him. The library is the best place it's in public, yes library. "So..." He says motioning his hands for me to answer.

"Oh um, the library will be good," I say moving in my desk slightly uncomfortable. 

"Ok, so I started the project read it over and if you like it we can continue with it, but if you don't then we'll come up with something else. Okay?" He asks handing me the paper. I started reading it. It was about wildlife and forests.

"I like it," I say handing back the paper.

"Good. So would you do the wildlife part and I will do forests and we can put it together after?"

"Sure that works," I say. I was glad I got the wildlife instead of forests because in 10th grade I had a whole project on wildlife.

"Ok, so how is your schedule look for after school?" He questions taking out his phone which had a calendar on it.

"I'm free most of the time, whenever works for you should work for me," I say starting the project research.

"I know it's short notice, but would today work?"

"Ya, but I have to be gone by 4:30," I say knowing I had to get to work. Needed to stay on top of the bills. 

"Ok, what for though?" He asks putting his phone away.

"I gotta work."

"Where do you work?" He asks being a little too nosy for me. 

"At the mall." Where there is a lot of people, I thought to my self.

"Oh, what fun." He says sarcastically.

"It's not that bad," I reply a little confused about his sarcasm. 

"If you say so." He laughs a little. I was going to ask him why, but then the bell rang.

"See you at the library, tonight." He walks away and flashes me a warm smile. I knew this wasn't going to be good. I learned my lesson the first time with boys, not gonna fall into the same trap. Well, it's just one project and then I won't have to talk to him.

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