
Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh really? Well let's start by gettin' all the horses here to the barn." She smiled as she made her way across to the stables.

As she was getting them all ready to walk over to the barn, she could hear Jordan yelling in the distance, causing her to run over.

"What's wrong?!"

"I can't find Prismarine. I promise after I finished with him last night I locked up correctly!" He panicked as Beyoncé nodded. "Okay, okay. Breathe. He loves to run out and stress everybody out so let's go find him." She smiled whilst walking over to Nexus and getting on him.

She helped Jordan on and began looking around for Prismarine.

"I hope I didn't scare him away." He sighed whilst looking off into the distance. "I'm sure that ain't the case. He hates being locked away for a long time." She spoke as she saw horseshoe prints on the ground.

"I think I know where he is. Aint nothin' but a greedy horse." She shook her head whilst hopping off and walking over to the cucumber area of the the field.

They found Prismarine there eating off of the cucumbers.

"You ain't ever escapin' us boy." Beyoncé teased as Jordan smiled and got himself on Prismarine.

"You take him back, I take Nexus. I'll be right behind you." He nodded as she got on behind him just as she said.

They collected the other horses and made it to the barn before putting all of the animals in and locking up.

"If you jump over this gate I promise you I will not give you any snacks for a year." Jordan pointed to Prismarine before walking back to the house.

"Beyoncé!" Mathew called from the garage as she gasped at the sight of her father standing over his motorcycle.

"Go on in the house, buddy. It's finna get real ugly out here." She rubbed his shoulder before walking to Mathew.

"Yes, daddy?"

"Beyoncé, I would've blamed Solange until I found this blonde hair in my helmet, explain to me why you were on the only vehicle I ask y'all not to be on?"

"Well, daddy. I have a great explanation! It looked real lonely so I-"

"So you're gonna clean it from top to bottom? Great idea, I was thinkin' the same thing. I want it done before this storm comes around or you'll be out here scrubbin' in the rain." He advised before sitting down a bucket and some sponges.

"Get to work." He walked away as she sighed and headed to fill the bucket with water and soap.

"And when you're done, apologize for even leaving the house with his stuff!" She could hear Roberts voice inside as Onika walked out angrily and snatched up a pair of gloves.

She and Beyoncé didn't exchange a single word. Just looks and expressions.

They were both extremely stubborn. Neither of them would let up about the previous night.

Onika snatched a sponge out of her hand and began scrubbing one of the wheels before Beyoncé scoffed.

"Well excuse you?! Y'all city folk ain't got no manners." She shook her head before splashing a little water on her.

"And y'all country people can't bathe properly, let me help you." She spoke as she returned the favor and splashed water back on her.

"I swear you are so darn childish!" Beyoncé huffed as she wiped the water from her and continued cleaning.

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