𝐩𝐝 𝟓:𝟏𝟒

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"so explain something to me," Jay collapsed next to Averie on the couch, instantly pulling her into his side

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"so explain something to me," Jay collapsed next to Averie on the couch, instantly pulling her into his side. "We're back together, i'm spending most nights here, you're pregnant, but we can't move back in together?"



"Because-" Averie's eyes started to water, "God why am I crying," she groaned.  "Because I don't know that you're not gonna leave again. and I can't make a commitment like that without some kind of proof from you that it's gonna end differently this time"

"Averie I not going anywhere. Ever."

"That's what you told me last time. Remember? Then you were gone. I can't handle-"

"Marry me," Jay blurred out.


"Averie," he took a breath, finding the words. He lowered himself to the ground in from of the couch. Averie let out a teary laugh.

"What the hell are you doing?" She laughed some

"Something I should've done a long time ago," he grabbed her hands. "Averie, I've been in love with you since I first saw you in Molly's five years ago. I love the way you take care of everyone around you. I love it when you're laughing, like really laughing and you do that little wheezy thing and crinkle your nose. I love it when we wake up in the morning and your hair is a mess but you just have this calm and the peace about you that's beautiful. And even though you're embarrassed by it, I love your unusual middle name and I wish you would use it
more. And- god- my love for you has only grown over the past year with everything that's happened and now you're carrying more of us and god it's amazing. You're the love of my life. And I wanna be the one you're coming home to everyday for the rest of your life. So, Averie Emerald Fields, please marry me because i'm completely obsessed with you."

Averie looked at him with a teary smile, her right hand caressed the side of his face while her left was held tightly in his.

"Yes," she whispered.

"What?" he replied, shocked.

"Yes I will marry you, you big dork," she exclaimed, grabbing his collar and pulling him into a kiss.

They broke apart, grinning at each other.

"One minute," Jay rushed away and back into his bedroom.

"What are you doing?" She called into him.

Jay appeared in the doorway. He held up a small black box in his hand. Walking closer, he opened the box revealing a sparkling ring.

"It was my mom's. She had told Will and I that whoever finds the girl first gets the ring," he pulled it from the box. Averie sniffled. "And well, I think I won that race," he held his palm out for her. Averie lifted her left hand, setting it on his. Swiftly, he slid the ring onto her finger before lifting it to his lips and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

Laughing, Averie placed a hand at the back of his neck and pulled his lips down to meet her's.

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