Prompt 7 : Collecting

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Prompt : Write a fic where an Autistic character has a collection of something
Fandom : The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Book)
Headcanon(s) : Autistic!Charlie

Over the twenty years following his final letter, Charlie realized just how much he enjoyed collecting typewriters, especially as technology progressed and they became more and more obsolete in common life.

After he moved out, he began storing away portions of his budget just to his expensive love. It wasn't just for show either, no. He enjoyed testing out each new typewriter and keeping track of which ones were best at what functions. He got all sorts of typewriters of varying quality and had a whole stand in the corner of his college dorm dedicated to the stack of heavy machinery.

He was glad that he'd been able to get a dorm room free of a roommate, as he was sure his constant typing would annoy any potential roommates he could've had. He was also thankful that all of his closest friends didn't seem to mind when he would start rambling about the niche little details of the devices. Sam would even engage him in conversation about it sometimes. He liked those times.

Eventually, he realized it had been twenty years since he'd last written his anonymous friend, and he figured an update of sorts would be warranted, so he picked out one of his favorite typewriters and started typing.

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