Prompt 2 : Special Interests/Hyperfixations

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Prompt : Write a fic involving special interest(s) and/or hyperfixation(s)
Fandom : Harry Potter (Movies)
Pairing(s) : Harry/Hermione
Headcanon(s) : Autistic!Hermione

Recently, Hermione had gotten very invested in the complicated status of muggle-born representation in wizard media.

"So, Hermione" Harry said cautiously. He knew bringing the topic up was like caressing a water balloon with a needle- Only a matter of time before the floodgates opened- But, he liked hearing her impassioned rambles. "Any new muggle-born characters, or-"

"Oh, yes!" Hermione smiled widely, bouncing up and down slightly in excitement as she began talking about a muggle-born character in a newer book she'd read and how she wished they didn't use the M word quite so much since the author was a half-blood, but she overall thought it was a good way of interweaving that character's blood status into the rest of their arc.

Harry just smiled and nodded along, letting her get it out of her system. He knew how relieving his questions on the topic were for her, but he never felt as though he was doing her a favor.

No, he simply loved her, long-winded tangents and all. Besides, he liked to stay up-to-date on how the media was handling the minorities in their world, even if he wasn't as invested in it as she was.

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