Chapter Thirteen

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"Just let me rest for a bit." Leon softly mumbled out, but it was still clear enough to understand what he had asked. "A-alright." She replied while sitting there like that.


A blonde male was running for his life as he kept dodging every object being tossed behind his back. It was a living nightmare he'd never expected to be in one day.

The sky was the color of blood, but not exactly that red. It was due to all the fires coming from the near by cities. Creating that affect to the sky. The male was close to giving up soon.

"Damn it!" He cussed while hiding behind a building from the infected creatures chasing him. Holding his breath as he didn't want to get caught.

"Having a rough day I see?" A woman appeared behind the male who jumped.

"Who the hell are you?" The male questioned as she leaned away from the wall. "That's not important right now. I believe you might have what I need though." She smiled briefly while spotting the creatures that were following him.
"If you want to stay alive, I suggest coming with me." The woman crossed her arms as she waited for the boys reply.

"What choice do I have? You seem to know your way around here." He agreed to follow this mysterious woman. Not even bothering to question why he might be able to help her. He was a fool for sure, but that didn't make him stupid as he had his guard up in case she tries to pull anything.

"This way." The woman spoke while looking down the other street.
"Where are we exactly going that's suppose to be safe?" The boy asked.

"The sewers." She simply replied as she stopped to look at her phone. "No offense, but I think you're mistaken here. The sewers wouldn't be safe to be at." The boy protested.

"You're right, but it's a lot better down there than up here." She smirked while spotting one of the sewer lids. She begun walking towards it. "Are you serious right now?" He complained while following her behind.
"Yes I'm serious right now, Mr.Suho." She glared at him behind her sunglasses that she had worn. Even though there was no sunlight at all, she wore them to hide her features a bit.

"How do you know my name?" Suho questioned the female as she had no time to answer that as those creatures from earlier seemed to have found them.
"Hurry." She snapped while Suho quickly opened the lid up. "Ladies first."

The woman rolled her eyes as she pulled out her pistol. Aiming at the creature that was charming towards Suho. Firing the gun as Suho flinched. Watching the creature fall limp. "Maybe you should go first." She replied as Suho took no time to protest that offer. Even though he really would have wanted her to go first.

Once the woman had finished off the last creature that was charging at them, she quickly jumped down the hole. Entering the sewers, but only to have a gun pressed against her head.

"I think it's time you tell me who you are and what you want. No one would go in their way to find me. So what the hell is it that you're looking for?" Suho snapped at the female who seemed a little shocked that the male had it in him to step up for himself.

"Alright, you got me." She stated with a smile as Suho knitted his brows together in confusion to why this woman was smiling at being caught.

"My names Ada Wong, as far as what I do? That remains quiet." Ada introduced herself while holding out a hand towards Suho. Once he put his gun away and slowly took her hand. All he could recall was her aiming towards his manhood with her knee.
He fell to the ground in agony as he glared at her. "What the hell?" He grumbled in pain.

"Next time, don't aim a gun to my head. It could have been worse." Ada suggested while pulling out her phone again to view the blueprints of the sewers. "Lucky for you, we won't have to do much walking. Our destination is just a few yards ahead of us." Ada put her phone back into her pocket as she stared at Suho who was finally standing up on his feet.

"You never answered my other question, Ada." Suho glared at her. Something he would be doing a lot of.
"And what might that be, Mr.Suho?" Ada rose a brow while crossing her arms.
"What do you want from me?"

"Isn't that obvious? You are the son of that crazy Doctor, aren't you?" Ada questioned the male who was a bit ashamed to be reminded of who his father was.

"I cut my ties off with him a long time ago. If he has something to do with this break out, that's all on him!" He was the son of Kieth Jung, no doubt about it.
Ada sighed. "That's the thing. It appears when you were a child yet, he had performed a test on you."

"Okay, he's been reported to do test on all the children he took under his wing. So what does that exactly have to do with the break out?" Suho rose a brow.

"It's a pity you don't know the full story. There's a chance you can save the people who were infected. Yes, the very ones who went brain dead. However, if the body is to far torn apart, they can't be saved. Your father had made sure to make a cure, but only for himself. However, when your mother ran off with you. He now doesn't have that special cure anymore with him. So there's a brief explanation of your fathers past." Ada explained in a brief manner as she wanted to hurry it along already.

Suho however, was shocked a bit from what he heard. Never knowing the real reason why his mother took him to escape from his father. He only knew about him testing on kids to make them into creatures one day when he felt threaten by the world. All he had to do was set the virus off in the child's body. He never knew some were tested with a cure.

"I know this is all shocking to you, but we must be getting a move on before your father does far worse." Ada explained while starting to walk ahead.

Suho knitted his brows together while thinking about what he should do.

Follow this woman to see his father again that he had stayed hidden from for years, or ditch her?

What was the right choice?

I'm Fine || Leon S'KennedyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz