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"What is the meaning of this annoyance?" Omen grimaced.

"Omen, please, stand still," Sage reached over the other's head to fix the red cat ears that were in the midst of falling for the seventh time. 

It was Halloween night and the infamous duo of Jett and Phoenix had convinced Brimstone to hold a costume party as a way to let loose and enjoy some times to themselves to unwind from their unhinged missions lately. 

The idea was brilliant at the time, but for someone like Omen who was dancing between the lines of barely human and shadow it was harder to create a costume. 

Truth be told he didn't need a costume, but Sage had made it her personal goal to make the other feel as human as possible after the terrible day he was made the way he is. 

If only she had been a little more skilled...perhaps she would be standing before the Omen that once was. 

The cat ears were all she could do to help. 

Sage herself has dressed up as witch, fully decorated with a hat and makeup ready for whatever the night would bring. 

"That is the best I can do Omen. You look wonderful," She smiled, simple and sweet, as Omen turned to the mirror. 

Whether or not he was able to see himself was something only he knew. 

But like the many other times, the cat ears did not want to stay on the hooded figure. 

"Hopeless," Omen muttered but Sage wasn't about to give up on him so easy. 

She rustled around in the drawers and was able to find some hair pins. She held them up but huffed when she realized she had nothing to pin them too. 

Omen noticed the yanked the ears off his head. 

"I don't need to succumb to something as foolish as a party. Go without me," Sage shook her head.

"I am a witch and you are my cat. We must go together. It is the only way," Sage picked up the ears and another idea came to her. "Come," She motioned for the other and Omen shuffled to his feet to follow. 

She led them to down the many halls to the kitchen where she rustled around and found a hot glue gun. Very carefully she applied some to the bottom of the ears before dragging a chair closer to Omen to stand on so she could hover over him. 

"This may burn," Even more carefully she pressed the ears down where they needed to be and held the position. After a minute she let go and clapped in satisfaction. "Perfect." 

Omen poked at the ears to test them but they didn't budge. As much as he had been annoyed at the female for convincing him to do this, it felt nice being almost a normal human. 

"Thank you." Sage nodded and unplugged the hot glue gun, accidently touching the hot metal tip, yanking her hand back with a hiss. 

Omen grabbed the gun and crushed it within his grasp, hot glue spilling in his hands, momentarily panic in Sage's eyes. 

"Why would you do that?"

Omen unclenched his fist, steam rolling off his fingers and palm. Any normal person would have been fiercely burned and in agony. 

"Nothing must hurt the healer," Although the words were meant to be sweet Sage frowned. She grabbed a paper towel, got it wet, and took a hold Omen's hand. 

"You must not hurt yourself Omen. You may not feel the pain, but it is not good for you."

"I will endure all the pain, as long as I must, until I can regain my memories, and return to who I once was," The reply was one she heard many times before. Omen's main reason for living, enduring the way he was, living in the constant pain, was the hope that once day he could return to his human form and be more then the monster he sees himself to be. 

"Omen, I could not help you then. I can not help you now. Maybe if I had not obliged to Viper's wishes, would you have been better off dead that day? You wouldn't have to live in this misery."

Omen shook his head. He couldn't blame Sage for what happened. He couldn't blame Viper either. He would never. Whatever happened, had happened. There was no turning back from it. Only to learn and keep moving forward. You can't change the past but can always hope for the future. 

He lifted his none injured hand to cup the female's cheek, to which she stiffened at the contact. They've had contact before, but Sage was a firm believer in rules and obedience. Fraternizing between each other was strictly forbidden and she would not allow it under any circumstances. Even if it meant stomping on her own emotions. 

"You gave me a chance Sage," She sighed, eyes blank as she looked into the shadows of the mans face. Wisps warped and faded behind the glow of his three blue scars, ever the more reminding her of her failure. 

"We must go," She backed up, letting go of him and effectively cleaning up the mess they had created. She gave her dress a simple primp, fixed her ponytail and put on a fake smile, something she'd done many times before. "We're going to be late." 



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