Jungkook: Their Lost Brother PART:3 FINALE

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No trigger warning other than mentions of blood and Jungkook thinking of himself as a burden, This chapter is soft.

Thank you for coming to part 3! :D

I can't believe y'all made it this far! Thank you! 💜🌺 :D

Special thanks to Jennifer_GB for helping me writing the scenes 💖

And thanks to Riya_Lo3 for requesting 💖


Jungkook's POV

The last thing I recall is being kicked by Kai and seeing someone approaching me.

I made eye contact with that person, and he was speaking to me, but everything was hazy and muffled, so I couldn't tell who it was or what he was saying, and then darkness dropped on me.

My entire body is throbbing, and I'm wondering if I truly deserve this pain. Who am I fooling, of course I do. All I do is bring everyone grief and difficulty.

I gently opened my eyes, wincing at the glaring light, Did I die...?

I looked around the room and noticed that everyone was gazing at me, some worried, some relieved.

End of POV

"How do you feel right now...?"

Jin inquired, his brow furrowed.

"My stomach aches..."

Jungkook stated while clutching his tummy.

"Do you know who did this to you...?"

Hoseok inquired.

Jungkook was scared to answer them, his body trembled at the thought of the consequences if he revealed who had done this to him.

They all stared at each other as they realised how worried Jungkook appeared.

"Kookie.. We're going to leave the room for a moment, but we'll be right back.."

Jin whispered.

Jungkook nodded as they exited the room.

"Guys, I think Kai threatened Jungkook not to say anything, But we already know who it is"

Jimin said his thoughts, The others nodded in agreement.

"What should we do about it?"

Taehyung asked.

"We should probably tell the principal"

Namjoon replied.

"We need proof first"

Jin said.

"The principal could just check the CCTV"

Yoongi replied.

"Alright then, Joon and Yoongi go tell the principal while I and the others stay with Jungkook"

Jin said.

"Alright, let's go Namjoon"

Yoongi said as he and Namjoon left.

Not long after Jungkook recovered and Kai has been temporarily expelled from school.


Time skip: After school.

Jin told Jungkook that they would pay him a visit, but they needed to shower first. Jungkook didn't mind and went home.

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