Most Hatred Opponents

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, back at the fight which Hun and Dragon Face are both watching the fight. Jesse was being chased by a thug making her slides under another thug, causing the two to knock into each other. Jesse runs over to Leo who was adjusts his outfit. "Geez, we can barely move in this stuff. What is the deal with humans and clothes?" Leo asks them while Raph dodges a thug's attacks, and kicks him down. "You ever seen a human in his skivvies? Trust me, it ain't a pretty sight." Raph said to Leo then suddenly, Raph is grabbed by another thug. The thug swings Raph back and forth until he's sent flying and out of his outfit, left with only his shades. The entire crowd starts to mumble amongst themselves with confusion. "Hey! It's one of them kung fu lizards!" Dragon Face yelled at them. "Turtles! Tur-tles! Don't any of you lamebrains know a turtle when you see one?" Raph asks them while taking off his shades. The crowd starts an uproar at his words. "Uh, Raph? I think the biology lesson's the least of our problems right now." Leo said to him while Hun breaks the door off its hinges and walks into the cage. "You!" Hun yelled at Raph then he punches at him but Raph blocks Hun's punch. "What's the matter, Lard-Butt? Still mad I walked outta your little Q & A?" Raph asks him making Hun grabs Raph and pins him against the cage wall. "In case you haven't figured it out, reptile, that time I let you escape!" Hun yelled while Leo and Jesse takes off their disguises. "Hate to break up the tearful reunion!" Jesse yelled then she jumps atop Hun and slaps him in his ears, stunning him and causing him to free Raph.

"Dragons! Get em!" Purple Dragon yelled then a bunch of thugs charge at the ring, but Cheyenne, Tasneem, Mikey and Don jump down from the scaffolding to stop them. "Sorry, dudes. Bad Appreciation Day is next week." Mikey said to them then the Dragons all charge at them. Donnie smacked some Purple Dragons down with his Bo Staff while Cheyenne does a flip over a Dragon and she hits them with her Bo Staff from behind. Tasneem throw's her Manriki at Mikey who grabs it and the two run forward making the Dragons hit into the Manriki's rope. 

Back in the cage, Raph keeps trying to hit Hun, but his blows have little to no effect. "Do me a favor, be a cooperative little mountain and just..." Raph said while trying to strike Hun down until Hun knocks him back. "Goooooo down." Raph said wearily while Hun approaches a downed Raph. Leo was behind Hun while Jesse runs over to Jamey. Leo notices a loose piece of the cage and slices it off, causing it to knock Hun down. Hun quickly gets back up and throws the piece at Leo and Raph, knocking them down. "I can't cut the chains it's too close to your wrists. We have to wait for Donnie or Cheyenne to pick the lock." Jesse said to her sister. "Well, they better hurry!" Jamey yelled getting mad every second she watched Raph get hurt by Hun. Hun punches Raph causing him to fly over to Jesse and Jamey. Leo noticed a broken piece of metal hanging from the ceiling and pointed it out to Jesse. Jesse nods and she runs over to Leo who gives her a foot up when she jumps up to it. Jesse sliced the metal down with her fans making it crash on top of Hun. Hun simply just got up like the last metal that has falling on him and he throw it at Leo who moves out of the way. Jesse jumps over to Hun and she tries to kick Hun but Hun grabs her foot and he threws her into Leo making Jesse land on top of Leo. Leo and Jesse stare at each other and Jesse can see Leo blushing making her give Leo a wink before jumping off Leo and to Hun. 

"Looks like the others could use a hand." Donnie said to them and Donnie's jumps into the cage. Cheyenne runs over to Jamey and she gets to work on the chains that waws holding Jamey. Don and Mikey knock Hun into a cage wall while Tasneem looks over at the others. "Don't look now, but Tiny still wants to dance." Mikey said to them while Hun starts to get up. Hun breaks off the cage wall, causing the entire cage to come down on the turtles. While they try to get up, Hun throws debris out of the way and walks towards them. Raph looks over at Jamey who was rubbing her head making Raph move over to her to make sure she was okay. Hun grabs Leo's swords and prepares to strike him down, but Casey, with Angel next to him, taps Hun on the shoulder and knocks him into the stands. Raph gives Casey a thumbs-up while helping up Jamey. "Take us outta here, Donnie." Jesse said to him as more thugs approach them. "I have just what the doctor ordered." Donnie said to Jesse then he looks over at Cheyenne who holds him the remote for the Battle Shell. Donnie pressed he button on the remote. "Oh taxi!" Mikey yelled then the Battle Shell rips into the arena, scattering thugs. "About time that thing busted up somebody else's place for a change." Raph said to them making Jamey look at Raph. "What?" Jamey asks him. "I'll tell you later." Raph said to her then he gives Jamey a winked. The Battle Shell stops right infront of them and the turtles all climbed in. Then Casey and Angel jump into the Battle Shell then Cheyenne droves the Battle Shell away from the area. 

Later, Casey and Angel walk to a building, while the turtles watch from an alley. Casey knocks on the door and an old woman opens and becomes shocked at the sight of Angel. "Angel?" She said to her. "Grandma!" Angel yelled then she hugs her grandma. "Told you I'd keep an eye on her." Casey said to her making the Grandma hugs Casey. "Thank you, Casey. Thank you for bringing back my Angel." She said to him then she starts pulling Casey into her home. "Now, I've got a pie and I insist you come in and join us." She said to him while Casey goes in, but looks back and gives a quick thumbs-up to the turtles. Casey's eyes goes over to Jamey and he gives her a smile before the door closes.

"Pie? Yo, Case. Hows about introducing Grandma to your friends?" Mikey said to no one making Raph playfully punched Mikey's arm. "Forget it, Mikey. We're ninjas. We stick to the shadows." Raph said to him as the turtles walk to the Battle Shell. "The unsung heroes of the urban jungle." Leo said to them making Jesse chuckled at Leo's remark making him give Jesse a smile. "The silent protectors of the Way of Bushido." Donnie said as he sits in the driver's seat. "The shadows that chase away the Purple Dragons in the dead of night." Cheyenne said as she sits down next to Donnie who gives her a smile. "So, what kind of pie you think it was?" Mikey asks Tasneem making Raph slaps him at the back of the head. "Ow! What?" Mikey asks him making Tasneem laugh.

Later that night in the sewer lair, Mikey and Tasneem were reading comics together. Tasneem was laying overtop of Mikey's laps while Mikey keeps glancing down at Tasneem smiling. Donnie and Cheyenne were looking over blueprints and Donnie wanted to put his arm around Cheyenne again but without an clever excuse but he was too scare she was going to reject him or he will scare her away. Leo and Jesse were sparring where Jesse was showing off to Leo who was thinking about ways to sweep Jesse off her feet. Jamey was throwing ninja stars at a dummy hitting it in the head everytime. "Wait, where is Raph?" Jamey asks everyone who mumbled in their answers. "Thanks guys you are very helpful." Jamey said to them and she continues throwing stars at the dummy.

Topside, Raph was on a rooftop and he spots Casey waiting for him at the meeting spot. "Did you find out what I asked ya to?" Raph asks him making Casey shook his head. "I asked but she didn't admit it but she was red." Casey said to him with a chuckled. "Do you think that means she likes me?" Raph asks him making Casey shrugged. "Maybe, I don't know man I am not a love expert." Casey said to him. "If you say so." Raph said to him while thinking about Jamey. Casey knows Jamey does like Raph but he ain't gonna tell Raph straight up. All Casey was going to do was going to sit back and watch the show.

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