Spider of the sea

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king looking seeing that carol was about to lose her cool on a child decided to butt in before it get's out of hand

king : ENOUGH!!

Everybody stopped what they were doing including carol who looked ready to send a cosmic blast towards angela while karla stood infront of her daughter

king : i will not let violence break out in my domain without my say so and i'm not gonna allow you to harm a child here either captain marvel so i suggest you sit down before i make you

carol seeing that the host was serious by the glowing red eyes of his she stopped and powered down and sat back in ber seat along with everybody else while king let out a sigh of relife but that was sort lived by the crunching noises that was happening behind him and so he turned around just to sweatdrop at seeing wade and ebon eating popcorn enjoying what just happened with both asking

ebon&wade : what?

king just sighed and shook his head

king : never mind

king then turned to his tablet and scrolled through the list until he got to an interesting one that he knows for sure will set some of the people off and he smiled while thinking

king *mind* " Oh this one will be good i hope everyone refilled on their snacks and drinks cause this one will be entertaining for sure then again i need to hurry along and finish the next two then show a more darker version of peter that will give them all a very gory and bloody wake up call "

king then turned to the guests and spoke

king : alright everybody this one i know will entertain you guys

strange : oh and what is it ?

king : you see if your a hero that has done great deeds that ascend beyond time and space you will be rewarded by being immortalised in a place where you can be summoned to save the future

tony : he sounds like the kind of place i'm definitly gonna be in

clint : oh please that would be me rather than you i'm the greatest hero ever after all

scott : like any of you homosapiens would be in there that place should belong to the mutants

The hero's with big egos then started to argue about who should be in there when they heard a laugh and when they looked they could see king laughing at them and scott being the hot head that he is yelled


king then stopped laughing having enough of scott grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall while unleashing an unholy amounts of bloodlust that made everybody go to their knees trying tp breath those that were weaker to the bloodlust that was pouring out of king fainted while wade and ebon were perfectly fine

king : alright now listern here you piece of shit ! just because xavier allows you to get away talking like that to others ain't gonna fly here mongrel cause it doesn't matter if your fucking mutant , human , kaiju , inhuman or whatever the fact of the matter is i'm getting sicl and tired of you wanna be heros thinking that your hot shit and inflating your egos when we all know you guys ain't nuthin cause let me tell you who i am , i am echoking the primordial god of darkness , destruction , chaos , omens , violence , carnage , discord , strife and disaster just to name a few of my domains not only that i'm also the fucking author/watcher/keeper/guardian of my sector of the multiverse so if i was you i'd shut up before you see what a nightmare really looks like and believe me when i'm done with you they'll have a hard time finding your body do i make myself clear and this goes for the rest of you as well 

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