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Everybody returned to their seats and was waiting for king to start the next video when he came in with a smile on his face seeing this puzzled everybody there so being the brave one out the bunch viper spoke to their host

Viper : excuse me if may ask what has you in such a great mood

king : well let's just say that we'll be having a few guests you see i told you on how we authors write our own universe into exsistence right

Yelena : yes what of it

King then glared at yelena who shrinks back at that glare while muttering sorry

King : alright now that miss rude shut uped i have an idea

Carol : oh come on what kind idea could it be

King then smiled deviously while thinking

King * mind * " ebon and wade must be corrupting me cause i know i'll be enjoying what's going to happen next "

King : let's just say i might enjoy what's going to happen next and how your going to react so let's get this show on the road

Jessica : what show

King : why the shipping show

Every woman that was in the theater was shocked before any of them could object the screen lit up

It shows peter with diana prince he has his arms wrapped around her with their 18 year old daughter standing there with her arm wrapped around her 14 year old brothers shoulder with the caption " my amazonian family "

Felecia had a look of anger on her face and she felt jealous for the first time she wanted to kill someone and she wasn't the only one having that feeling and every male hero and villian suddenly gauned a dark shiver when the turned to the ladies they saw the face of death while the ladies were thinking

Felecia * mind * " what the hell who is that slut and what is she doing with my spider "

Carol * mind * " i'm his captain he should be with me not some bimbo what is she even wearing is she trying to seduce him "

Jessica * mind * " she made a big mistake going after what's mine "

Viper * mind * " ara ara it seem's that certain bitches need to be taught a lesson in not taking what isn't their's "

Black swan * mind * " i will not allow some insect take my future husband she will die "

King seeing the reactions of the women smiled with a sinister smile while thinking something

King * mind * " maybe i should be a little devious once in a while hehehehe "

King then decided to set it on randomiser

Next was one of peter and sable arms lopped around one another with their daughter near them wearing a regal dress which had a slit up towards mid thigh and an open back with light make up which seem to draw out her natural beauty

All of the women except (sable ) : WHAT THE HELL !!!


Sable was having a smug smile while looking at them

Sable : why are you jealous that i got with my king and not you cause i'm sure i'm a better choice for him to be with

Carol was so jealous that she was radiating cosmic energy like she wanted to attack sable but then remembered where they were amd decided to wait till the next intermission king was impressed with how she handled it and then turned towards the screen while thinking

King * mind * " luckly there is only two more left for now so maybe next we'll get to she something really juicy "

Peter was then seen with a woman who has blond hair and green eyes and a big chest along with them was a blond haired girl with her left eye brown like her father and green like her mothers and she was wearing armor next to her was another girl in armor with red highlights and she had green eyes like the other woman but had a wild look to her and next to her was a woman that resembled the first woman but the only difference was that she had a dark dress on

Everybody was confused on who these women were and everybody was looking at king expecting him to answer them seeing that everybody was looking at him king sighed and answered them

King : the women you see next to peter are heroic spirits

Dr strange : heroic spirits

King : a story for another time the women you see before you are artoria pendragon and her sister morgan le fay and if your wondering this is king arthur of another universe and had to play the part of a male so that people wouldn't be against her and that is the actual morgan le fay the who brought camelot to ruin through using her son which happen to be the other girl which by the way happens to be mordred pendragon

Everybody was shocked that peter was married to what they could describe was a female arthur pendragon which essntially made all of the women jealous esspectiall y when they saw her chest while thinking

Women that's into peter * mind * " what the hell was with her chest those things are to huge to be real "

King looks at them and had to hold his laughter when he read their minds and nearly slipped up seeing their expression's

King *mind * " man if they get this jealous from just seeing what happens with different women get together with peter man are they in for a suprise when we do this next time again "

The last one appeared and it showed peter and yelena together with their twin children a girl and a boy grinning with the caption " two misfits in love and married "

Every single one of the women were full of rage but none more so than a certain black widow who nearly attacked her sister if it wasn't for king holding her back while yelena had a smug look on her face


Yelena : come now sister after the way you treated him you think he'd get back together with you

Natasha : i swear if you go any where near peter i will kill you myself yelena no one will get whats mine no one after all i am a black widow for a reason beside the only woman peter will ever need in his life will be me

Everybody got scared with how dark natasha got all of a sudden and it freaked them out on how far she would go just for peter while king looked at her while sensesing her emotions and seeing as they were getting darker with each passing minute

King * mind * " well better do something before things get worse "

King : alright everybody let's have a break only a short one though cause we still need to view a few other videos before going on a long intermission

Everybody then agreed and turned back to the screen and waited for the screen to lite up

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