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Everybody sitting down in their seats and king was looking through his tablet to see what to show his guests and all of a sudden he remembered he promised jessica to show her what type of future she would've had if she stayed with peter just then ebon and deadpool came forward

Wade : so man what are you going to show us

Ebon : yeah i'm kind of curious

King : well i'm going to follow through with my promise and show what would've happen if jessica stayed with peter though i hope this doesn't stir phal'kon up any

Ebon : why worry about her she hurt anansi enough so why

King just deadpans and answers

King : cause i don't want my place destroyed cause of your and wades fun

Ebon and wade gave sheepish grins

King then turned towards the 616 univerese people and talked

King : alright everyone i'm going to show you something and jessica your about to know the truth and then you shall see who truly saved you all as well as see what could've been between you and peter

Everybody was then confused on what king had said even jessica although she could see king , wade and ebon glare at chicken eye who was sweating as if he knew what they were talking about just then the screen turned on

New york laid in ruins as the heros were all defeated by what could be one of their more dangerous enemy for some reason unknown the phoenix decided to attack everyone in the city in seacrh for her lost love anansi

Jessica : WAIT !! i know this is during the phoenix incident

Carol : what's so important about this event

Miles : what you guys don't know ?!

Susan : know what ?

Miles was about to answer but from the corner he could see king shake his head at miles telling him not to say anything and he could also see ebon and deadpool in chairs with popcorn and sodas as if they were waiting for something to go down

The phoenix was continuing to rampage through the streets of new york while also taking control of psylock , emma frost , jean gray and magik as they were about to continue everybodies favourite hero came in swining from his webs

Spider man : enough of this phoenix stop this madness your doing more harm then anything

Phal'kon : so what you care more for these insects anansi if you surrender yourself to me then maybe i'll spare everone

Spider man : sorry but i can't do  that you caused to much harm and death

Phal'kon : very well then i'll take you by force go my puppets bring me spider man

Magik and psylock then went to attack spider man but he just dodged then psylock then sent a psy whip towards him which wrapped around him and pulled him with all her strength towards her but as he was flying through the air he righted himself and sent a straight punch with some of his true strength in it which rocked psylock and sent her straight into a wall behind her which knocked her out in an instint just as peter landed his spider sense went off and he dodged in knick of time to avoid magik from slicing him into ribbons then magik sent a flurry of swings at peter which he dodged he then dodged to the left as magiks massive blade crashed where he was peter then shot webs into her eyes which she recoild back intending ot take it of when peter came in with a combo before finishing it by uppercutting her which knocked her out phal'kon seeing that her pawns were getting defeated was getting furious

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