Our Last Stand... Part 1

Start from the beginning

(Phillip's P.O.V.)
We stopped arguing after 42 minutes and continued on with our repairs...
And Dios Mio...
For every one problem I solved on my Carrera, another three replaced it...
I fix the gas tank rupture, the injectors don't work right, the electric circuit shorts out, and my car honks like it's at a carnival...
I killed the horn and started repairs on the circuits, till Lucas came around and started to help on the injectors...
"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be working on yours?" I asked him as he kept working on the injectors...
"Not really, I need the rest of you guys to help me make a patch on the wheel, and it that will happen faster if I help you guys..." he said as some soldiers passed by...
Probably to report to the lynx about our progress...
The soldier started to leave as we all got back to the repairs...
"Are they gone?" I asked as he peaked out...
"Yep..." he said as he went back to the injectors...
"Are we still going with our plan?" I asked as I stopped working and crouched against the wall...
"Yeah, but is it possible?" He asked as he did the same...
"If we time it right, then yeah..."
"So I'll tell the others the plan is in motion..."
"Alright, let's get your wheel back in place, we just need it long enough for us to make it back to the bunker..." I started to get up but was stopped by Lucas pulling me back...
"But what happens if this is provocation?"
"How is it provocation? We're not killing them..."
"Just focus on the repairs Lucas and then we can worry about that down the road..." I said as up and inside my car and back to fixing the circuits as I hear my radio come back to life with some weird Italian music...

I bumped the radio to stop the music before it would turn into cause for any of them to complain...
I kept working on my car till I felt a little sleepy...
I finished the needed repairs as best as I could, and went to Lucas' car to see the damage...
The others were there and just staring at the damaged part...
The wheel was basically ripped out of Rear Differential (The axle connecting the two rear wheels)...
I puffed out loud as I went back to my car and grabbed a welding torch...
We all grabbed the wheel and put it in place as I started to slowly weld it back...
"It ain't pretty..." I said as I backed up from the finished weld...
"Doesn't matter, will it hold?" Sam asked as he starred at it...
"Till the garage? Maybe..."
"Good enough for me, okay, take a nap, we'll pick this up at 'first light'..."
We all went to our cars got in and closed the doors as we all tried to get comfy in our armours...
It was tough with mine till I remembered I had a strap on my leg that held my pistol, I put it on the other seat and went slowly drifted to sleep...

*Timeskip to midnight*

I woke up by slight shaking...
I opened my eyes while holding out my pistol and saw Sam shaking my car, he was in full armour even with the helmet...
"Come on Phil, wake up..." Sam said as he stopped shaking my car and went to my window...
"I'm up, is it time?" I asked in a semi sleepy tone...
"As far as I hear and see, yeah, better now than never..." he said as he went to the first car in line that was John's Charger...
Sam, Lucas and John pushed his car while Nick and Can were trying to pull Sam's car...
I ran to them and try to help them...
Soon we started to form a line with each car side by side facing the gate that didn't let us leave...
"Guys, ven aquí..." he said as he stood infront of his car looking around to see if there were any guards...
I took a peak at the garage then came back to Sam drawing something on the ground...
"What is he doing?" I asked as I joined the group...
"He didn't say, he just got down and took a stick from somewhere and started to draw..." Lucas said as he kept on looking too...
"Quit the chatter and look..." he said as I looked and saw a map of the area above the bunker...
"Why are you doing this Sam?"
"Just to help Lucas, since he can't visualize it..."
"Hey!" Lucas almost shouted as Nick was quick to shush him...
"Just focus... Alright, since we can't go straight back to the bunker, here's what will do... We'll go to the garages near the edges of the city and proceed on foot..."
"What if there's patrols out?
"Use the rubble and your uniform to your advantage, it's night and we're with almost black clothes, they can't see us unless we look straight at them, so all we have to do is to hide out our legs and masks, if you see a viper, hide completely, and just hope they don't hear you..."
"That's your great plan mister leader?" Nick asked as he budded in...
"Do you have something better?" Sam asked as Nick was going to talk back...
"Oh I hAvE a IdEa..." we heard a voice shout in the back and we see a male Anthro Persian Cat soldier walking funny...
"Um... hi..." Lucas said sheepishly and the anthro soldier just started to laugh a little...
"HeLlO tO yOu ToO... dO yOu WaNt To TrY this... drink..." he said strangely as if he was drunk...
Nick went to grab the rather large cup and just sniffed a bit until he quickly gave it back to the soldier...
"It's beer..." he said muffled as he covered his nose with his arm...
"oH wElL... mOrE fOr... MEEeeEEee..." the soldier said as he just fell spilling the beer everywhere as we could hear slight snoring from him...
We all looked at each other till Nick and Lucas went to him and just place him against the wall...
As they were leaving the soldier started to slowly open his eyes again and Lucas started to panic and scratching his head...
We could hear the purring all the way from the cars as we see the soldier go back to his peaceful sleep...

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