Chapter 1- The Park Freak

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There's this new boy in town, I don't know his name, and I don't think anybody does. Though, others have come up with several names for him. "Southern Thug", "Black Haired Boy", "Rat". But one thing most of us call him is simple- "The Park Freak". It's strange how someone cannot be known by anyone but still known by everyone at the same time. We see him every day, he walks by the park next to the school at the mornings, always looking oddly sketchy. He just goes to the park to sit on a random bench, he would go sit on the bench for less than a minute than walk back down the road; or at least that's what you can see from the class's window.
That's where the nickname is from.

He's always alone, never talks to anybody, and you never see him in the same places, so it would be hard to track him unless you stalk him the entire day. The thing is, some kid tried to do that once. He came back to school the next day with a broken rib, black eye, and cuts and bruises everywhere. Well, cuts is a strong word, because the kid said he fights only with his fists, no weapons. And though he may never use it, he does carry a switchblade.

The main thing you have to know: Never fuck with him. He'll beat you up so hard he'll make your insides bleed. The poor kid that stalked him.

Ah, the bell rang. Finally. I hate school. I don't care if all I do is hide in the bathroom almost all periods, I still hate it. I don't really have a lot of friends here, most of the people here are homophobic. And even tho I'm not out- I'm not going to be friends with the homophobic or transphobic kids.

It's Thursday, and everyone at the same time rushes out of the classes yelping. The teacher yells something behind everyone but I, neither do they, give a fuck.

Someone plants a firm hand on my shoulder. I quickly turn my head to see who it is, not expecting anyone as I'm trying to leave this shithole.

"Mr. Hanson, if you could please join me in my office." Oh great.. Of course. I should have known he would stop me. The principal, Mr. Mor. What fun.

"5 lunch detentions, 14 security calls-" Mr. Mor continues, his hands pressed to his desk firmly. I kick my legs on top of the desk, and he gives a look of disgust. I fight to hide a laugh, not even trying to snicker a little.

"21 days of school missed.." he pauses. "..And 67 missing assignments in all classes."

Oops I guess?

He pauses to look at me, but my expression does not change.

"In this quarter.. Alone."

I stay quiet.

"Mr. Hanson!" he suddenly shouts, making me jump. He does that a lot to get on my nerves because he knows how I am with loud noises. Such a great principle, I know. "Do you understand what this is doing to our school average!?"



Still nothing.

"Are you listening?! You cannot just shrug this off any longer!"

"Yes, I can." I simply say. I would have spoken a while ago but I've been trying to work on keeping my mouth shut, especially with Mr. Mor. But I'm sick of this lecture.

I smile, which seems to only make him angrier. "With all do respect, Mr. Mor" I say in a disrespectful tone, "it's people like you who make this hell hole more insufferable. Average? Reputation? Oh come on now, you know all that shit is only because your teachers's poor teaching abilities. Students don't care, your teachers don't care, the whole damn world doesn't care. Nobody gives a fuck about that shit. I'll make it more simple; I'm not changing. So you better get over that and leave me alone."

"Is there anything else, Mr. Mor? Or can I go now?"

He sighs and rolls his eyes in exhausting
"Just.. Try."

The moment I'm outside his office I go and punch my locker. Ow, this hurts.


I don't hear from Mr. Mor the next day, wait actually I didn't hear from anyone for that matter. Word probably got around of me telling off the principal, and everyone thought I would "blow at any second". I can just figure out these things, because it's always what school does. Pathetic.

I go taking my normal route as usual after leaving school- before I see the boy. THAT boy. 'The park freak'. It looks like he's walking out of a drug store. I stop for a second and watch him. He's definitely in a rush, and his hands are dug deeply and firmly into his pockets.. Weird.

Wait,, did he just steal something from that store? It's pretty common here for that to happen, so I decide to give it one more glance to see if I was right. If he stole something like snacks or whatever, I couldn't care less. But drugs? He looks my age.

Holy shit. I see a container in his pocket. I follow the way he's going, I was going this way anyway.

..No fucking way. He just threw away a shitload of orange bottles with white caps. I look behind me, we passed the store he just stole from, and I see someone standing at the doorway. Probably a worker. The man starts yelling, I don't hear what he's saying but he's definitely yelling angrily. I try as quietly as I can to go to the trash can and look at the kind of drugs he took. It's a shitload of different drugs, all of them with the sole propose to get you high. It doesn't help with the cigarettes he picked up, too. Not just cigarettes, but he has Marijuana and Meth. The guy's extremely loaded.

I look forward in the direction I was following him. Shit, I took too long, he's already gone. I'm starting to run and I notice a close by alleyway a few feet in front of me. He must have gone this way!

I run farther and farther into the alleyway and I hear the echo of running footsteps in front of me that aren't mine, that's when I know I'm going the right way. I turn right, left, and follow the sound. I know i must be close. I come to a crossroad, and I hear the sound of footsteps slowly fading. The light that was behind me is gone now, and i don't remember how long I've been running for. All that can be heard now is the screeching sound of cars in the far, far distance. Distant sirens, and the sound of my own breath.

Panicking, I turn my head abruptly. I can hear faded noises close to me. It feels like my mind is playing tricks on me. I start to question and wonder why the fuck did I got myself in this mess, oh no. Don't panic, don't panic, nothing is going to happen, right? I mean it's just a dark sketchy alleyway.. Just go back from the same way you came here, and nothing will happen, right? But I wasn't wondering for that long.

"Oh my, look like we have here.." A groaned, older voice was heard in the darkness from a place that is unknown. Fuck.

Hello! This is my first time ever writing something like this so I'm sorry if it's not written too well, if you have any comments about things here that aren't written well/doesn't make sense you're welcomes to tell me :)

This chapter was inspired by _Love Story Supplier btw

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Hope you enjoyed<3

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