"If you ever see him then you will understand why I want to welcome him," The sans said. The meeting was disbanded right after that last statement. Error decided to look through the AU and found a hidden oasis inside a cave. He went there and looked around. It was beautiful and quiet. Almost as beautiful as outertale but it was quieter, it was safer and it held a kind of charm he had never before experienced. Error got up or tired. He was so tired and the ground beneath him was surprisingly soft. He felt warmth and he felt as if the cave was hugging him as he slowly drifted off. Error woke hours later covered in moss that felt like a soft and warm blanket. He then noticed that it was a blanket made of moss. He sat up and saw the AU's chara. They were crying and had their back turned to him. He got up and summoned a bar of chocolate.

"Do you mind telling me what is wrong, little one?" Error asked the Chara who turned to him and watched him vary of his next movement. Error threw the chocolate over to them. Chara looked at him confused and scared. Error sighed.

"I'm not from here. The inhabitants on this island didn't cause my injuries either. Child I can't stand not being able to help," Error said. His voice was warm and gentle despite his glitches and Chara lunged towards him hugging him. Error glitched a lot upon contact but he hugged the child back as she cried into his shirt. She was wailing. Error gently patted her back and soothed him.

"There there little one. You don't have to tell me what is wrong but if you want to ever then I'm all ears" Error said as they parted. Chara wiped her tears and looked up at error. She smiled softly but shook her head. Error got up.

"I have to go now little one but I promise I'll return," Error said and gently ruffled the chara's head and left through a portal. He had to destroy again and he had no idea for how long he was out no idea of how many days he had slept but he didn't really care either as he went back to his forced job. He sighed as he destroyed 30 AU's looking at the multiversal coding he saw that he only needed a total of 70 more AU's before he could stop that is if Ink too stopped. The thought crossed his mind. He could take an actual vacation. He could enjoy life a little. Or what was left of it to enjoy. The thought was very intriguing and he did. He had never destroyed that fast before in his life however when he was done he returned to the cave. He saw Chara but she was no longer alone. The Sans of the AU were in there with them. Error shot back ready to attack if need be.

"Woah there, calm down I'm not looking for trouble just want to relax with my pall," Sans said leaning against the mossy ground and looking down at the water of the oasis. Error calmed down but went to the other side of the body of water before sitting down. He considered leaving but he wanted to explore this place and if the sans were going to attack him then he would have done so by now. The three of them sat in silence.

"You know I've never seen your around here," Sans started. Error didn't say a thing.

"My name is sans but you already know that. My multiversal name is Cult. Yes I know it's misleading," The sans said. Error didn't know if he should say something but he looked at chara who seemed almost scared of him this time.

"Error," Error said looking into the water. He saw Chara look at him almost distant before getting up from her spot and walking towards error.

"Chara, get back," Cult said. Almost scolding. She stopped and turned back walking back.

"Sorry but we usually don't mix with outsiders," Cult explained.

"It's fine. You wouldn't be the first to keep a distance. My appearance isn't exactly welcoming," Error said looking in the water. It had the same glow as the normal undertale but the hue of the glow was green.

"We can fix that," Chara chipped up. Cult looked down almost scolding her with his eyes. She looked down ashamed.

"She is a child who still has to learn the rules of the world in my experience the only way to do that is with a kind approach not being a strict teacher," Error said. He leaned back feeling the moss starting to grow over him again.

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