'We were at war,' Robert reminded him following his gaze. 'we didn't know we were gonna go back home again don't be so hard on yourself you always have been. Mum likes Jon, thats enough for me..." A small smile appeared on Ned's face.  "I swear if I weren't your king you would've hit me already.' Robert told him.

'Worst thing about your coronation, is I'll never get to hit you again.' Ned joked turning to face him again. 

'Trust me that's not the worst thing.' He handed him over a scroll 'there's a rider in the night.' Ned read it over

'Daenerys Targaryen has wed some Dothraki soldier...'

'what of it?' Ned read it over again 'Did you send her a wedding gift?' ned questioned.

"I can't believe we are half way there!" Bran declared. "I can't wait to see the capital, do I get my own chambers?"

"Of course you do." Hayley agreed. She assumed at least, the place was huge.  "It will be so fun and I'm so sick and tired of traveling like this." Hayley declared as the wolves ran around each other wrestling. 

"How else is there to travel?" Bran countered. 

"I could tell you all the magic ways of my world but it wouldnt make any sense and I assume if we were driving a car we would be there and a plane we would have been there in a few hours." Hayley remarked. 

"Whats a plane?" Bran countered. 

"Exactly." Hayley agreed simply. 

'A knife perhaps, a sharp one and a bold man to wield it.' Robert said taking along drink from his glass. 'She is hardly a child' Robert reminded him. Ned shook his head. Daenarys would have been barely older than his Jon. 'Soon enough that child will spread her legs and start breeding,' Robert reminded him

'Tell me we are not speaking of this?' Ned began

'Oh is it unspeakable to you?' Robert countered 'What happened to your family was unspeakable what Rhaegar Targaryen did to your sister, the woman I loved, I will kill every Targaryen I get my hands on.' Robert threatened

'You can't get your hands on this one' Ned noted.

'This Khal Drogo says he has 100,000 men in his hold.' Robert sneered.

'Even 1 million Dothraki has no threat as long as they were to remain on the other side of the narrow see, they have no ships.' Ned reminded him.

'There are still those in the seven kingdoms that call me the user per usurper. The Targaryen and Dothraki whore is back and the scum will join them.' Robert informed him.

'They will not cross' ned assured him 'and if by chance he does we will throw him back into the sea.' Ned said nonchalantly.

'There's a war coming Ned. I don't know when and I don't know who will be fighting but it is coming.'

'They've been scared of water for generations... Maybe we just let her be.'

'Let her be?' Robert questioned 'You know what is to happen. You know what is to come if she crosses!' Ned shook his head he would have no part in the massacre of a child. He was a man of honor, not murder.

 Sansa stumbled backwards running into Sandor. She stared up at him taking nervous steps back away from him, her eyes wide her lip quivered. 

'Do I frighten you so much girl?' sandor questioned she didn't answer, 'or is it him that's making a shake? He frightens me to look at that face.' Sandor teased nodding to Illyn Payne. Sansa looked nervously to Hayley and Hayley heard her racing heart. Although Sansa was the prissy witch Hayley did have a heart on certain days of the weak and children in need was her weak spot. 

'I'm sorry if I offended you sir.' Sansa said sheepishly he only stated at her, a deep frown on his face as he walked past them. 'Why won't he speak to me?' Sansa questioned sandor. Hayley's gaze followed Illyn Payne cautiously.

'He hasn't been talkative the last 20 years since the mad king had his tongue cut out.' Sandor informed her his gaze drifting to Hayley. 

"So all bite and no bark." Hayley mused as she approahced and Sandor chuckled nodding.

'He speaks well with his sword though.' Joffrey remarked and sansa smiled turning to him. Hayley could practically hear Sansa squeal with delight. 'serving the kings justice... he is the royal executioner.' he clarified 'what is it my sweet girl? Does the hound frighten you?' Joffrey asked, concern in his voice. 'Away with your dog you're scaring my lady.' Sandor tipped his head leaving. 

"I owe you a few drinks." Hayley remarked looking to Sandor before glancing back at Sansa. "Sansa-" But sansa waved a dismissive hand towards Hayley. "Are all lords and ladies such prissy bitches?"

"Yes." Sandor answered without hesitation. 

Would've, Could've, Should've // Ned Stark // Hayley MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now