Chapter 8

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Bro I feel so sick like I'm gonna faint right now-

Arthur's POV

I wake up at 6 in the morning the next day. I look to my left and see Merlin still sleeping peacefully. Last night was really amazing.

I get up from Merlin's bed and pick my shirt up off the floor. I put it on, looking back at Merlin and smiling slightly. Before I leave, I put my shoes on and then open the door.

On the way back to my quarters, I keep on thinking about last night with Merlin. It just happened and I really did not expect it. But it was amazing, like I said.

I have never actually approved of anything my father has set me up with. Though, with Merlin it is different. When I think about marrying doesn't seem like a bad idea.

Yes, maybe it isn't such a bad idea. Obviously, only if Merlin wants to marry me too.


Sorry that this chapter is so short. I want to go sleep right now and I won't have time to write tomorrow so I had to post it right now.

Those sparkling eyes are the love of my life[A Merthur Tale]Where stories live. Discover now