Chapter 2

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Merlin and I had set off into the forest a little while ago, maybe about 20 minutes ago, and I still haven't managed to actually say a full sentence to him without forgetting what I was about to say.

I mean, can you blame me? Look at him.

"Can we stop for a while? I'm a bit tired, sorry." Merlin looked over at me as he asks the question.

"Yeah, sure"

I then come to a stop at a clear, open space. I get off my horse and was about to gesture a hand to Merlin, but he had already gotten off his horse too.

He then sits down on a log, patting the space next to him, meaning he wants me to sit there. I smile slightly and he smiles back.

After a couple minutes we set back further into the forest. Then I remember this place that my dad wanted me to know about in case I ever wanted to take a women on a romantic date. God. It's a long way away but it's the best view of the sunset and is the quietest place in the forest.

I don't know if he would like it but it's worth a try.

"I think I have a place we can go to. Though, it is really far. So we'll get there when the sun starts to set." I tell Merlin.

"That alright." He reassures me.
"Lead the way." He gestures a hand forward, grinning at the same time.

For some reason I feel my cheeks heat up. Merlin seems to notice and he just stares at me. Following that, I look forward. I speed up a bit, embarrassed. Merlin catches up to me, riding along side me and closer than before.

—Time skip—

We get closer and closer to the spot. Though, for an unknown reason to me, I get nervous. I try to ignore it.

"It's just through these bushes."

The sun is now starting to set, making t this place look better then it looks when the sun isn't setting.

"Sorry, I know it's no-.."

Merlin cut me off.

"No. No. I love it." He slowly turns his head towards me, beaming a smile in my direction.

We hop of our horses and walker over to sit and lean against a tree together. "So, um." I say. I'm stupid. Why even start the sentence if I'm not going to end it?

"It's alright." A laugh echoes from his mouth. "I know it must be awkward being set up together."

He looks down but still smiles.

"Yeah, it is."

I don't know what to say. Normally I always have something to say. And I say it. Every time. So I don't know what's happening right now.

"So what do you like to do when your not doing...princely stuff?" Merlin asked me, taking a pause before saying 'princely'.

"Uh, well, I like hunting with the knights. But most of the time I'm doing....princely stuff."



"When I'm not busy, I'll probably just practice enchantments."

It's weird talking about magic like it was never named here in Camelot. Don't get me wrong, I never really had something against magic. I was just told that I shouldn't trust people with magic my whole life....

"I won't talk about magic again, sorry." He looked away from me.

"You can talk about magic. I don't mind."

And then we talked about our families, joked, stuff that don't include me being stubborn.

So shut up dad.

Merlin then dozed in the middle of my sentence. I haven't realized how long we've been out here until I looked back at the sunset and there were colours of red, orange, pink.

I wasn't sure if I should do this but I still grabbed the back of his head gently and leaned him against my shoulder.

I gaze into the sunset, not sure of how much longer we would be here for but not really caring since Merlin looks so peaceful.

I decide that I'm going to wake him up in about an hour. We should probably get back to Camelot sooner or later.


This wasn't as long as the last chapter but I'm tried and will probably forget to continue writing this chapter tomorrow so I'll just post it now. Anyway, I hope you like this story so far because there is a lot more chapters to come.

Those sparkling eyes are the love of my life[A Merthur Tale]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon