I'm so sorry..

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no one's pov

The squad noticed that sora hasn't been feeling himself lately. They are very worried about him.
They are also very worried about sora and jaxx's relationship, they haven't been hanging out lately we don't really know why jaxx only has been talking to luca and barely to any of us especially his boyfriend.
Sora hasn't been in videos for 2 weeks straight now, even the fans are worried about him but we told them that he's just been very busy. We started to post draft videos with the ones that he's in so they don't get too worried.

Sora's Pov

I miss jaxx.. like a lot. I don't know why he's been ignoring me lately. I try to talk to him but he doesn't want to talk to me, he sees me but ignores me. This has been going on for 4 weeks now. He also hasn't been showing up on our dates that I planned. He doesn't even let me know that he can't make it. He just stood and up. I cry everytime he does that. But now that I'm thinking about it, my eyes start to tear up.

"Oh my gosh" I say to myself.
This is the 5th time today that I started to cry. I don't know how much longer I can take..
I then here my door knocking

*Knock knock*
"who's there?" I say
Light: "hey man, it's me, I'm very worried about you, we all are sora" he says
"Even Jaxx?" I say
no answer..
well I guess Jaxx doesn't..
I get off from my bed and go open the door to let light in.

He smiles.
"Hey sora!" he says
"Hey.." I say back. He notices how I said it and starts to come inside.
He looks sad.
"Are you okay Light?" I ask. He looks at me and says
"I should be the one asking you that." We both laugh a little.
He noticed that tears started to come out of my eyes and hugged me.
I started to breakdown after that.

Light: "shhh it's okay buddy I'm here" he says
"Light I don't know what to do anymore." I say while crying.
"I just don't know.." I breakdown even more.
He stops hugging me and looks me in the eyes. He then says
Light: "Just give him a little bit more time, he'll come around." He says. But then I don't know what got into me and..
I yelled
"How much longer do I freaking wait?!" I said a little too loud.. everyone heard and ran to my door. I realized that I yelled at him and said "I'm sorry."
"It's okay." he says and starts to hug me. I hug him back. Then we let go, while we let go the squad besides jaxx and luca comes towards us.
"Is everything okay?" Charli and Alex asked.
"No" I said. I didn't have to repeat myself since I could tell they knew what's going on since they heard me yelling at light and know obviously know why I'm upset. The squad all hugged me. And were saying that there here if I need them. I smiled and thanked them. They all smiled back. But when I looked at my door frame, I saw him.. my smile faded away so fast when we made eye contact. He looked like he was about to cry when he saw me, I wanted to go hug him and cry into his arms but I just couldn't move myself to do it. I'm just so upset at him.
The squad noticed and we all stared at him but then luca came and took him away. I don't know why but after they left I started to cry again. The squad noticed and started to hug me again.

Couple hours later

I was scrolling through my phone looking at photos of us before all of this happened. I decided to stop and put it away before I start crying again. I then decided to go on a walk to clear out my mind. While I was walking downstairs I see Jaxx and luca sitting on the couch. Luca was laying on him while jaxx seemed to be looking at photos of.. him, luca and I'm guessing their other friends.

Jaxx's pov
I was looking at photos of me, luca and our other friends. I was scrolling through my other photos and saw my lovely, amazing, sweet, caring and gorgeous boyfriend that I don't deserve.. The reason I'm ignoring sora is because I don't think I deserve him. I don't think I do, I know I don't. He's the best person I've ever met. I know the squad hates me right now because of me ignoring him but honestly I deserve to be hated. I'm the worst person ever and the worst boyfriend ever.. but I then heard some noises coming in the kitchen. I turned around and there he was.. We both made eye contact for about a minute until he walked to the front door and left. I decided to go after him. I get off from the couch and run after him. I eventually caught up to him and yell "babe"

Sora's pov

I heard someone yelling "babe" I knew instantly who it was. I turned around and saw him. He ran up to me and tried to kiss me but I pushed him away.

Jaxx: "okay I deserved that, I deserve everything bad to happen to me." He said. I rolled my eyes because I wasn't about to deal with whatever bullshit he's trying to pull. As I was walking away he pulls my arm and I ended up turning around and looking right at him. He tried to kiss me again but I ended up rejecting him again. I said "what the hell do you want? Your over here trying to kiss me, and completely ignoring the fact that you have been ignoring me for 4 WEEKS!!" I yelled. He looked very sorry, but I don't give a shit. I was about to walk away until he walked in front of me. "Excuse you, can you move I'm trying to walk here?" I said but he didn't say anything. After awhile of just staring at each other he finally said
Jaxx: I'm sorry.
I just looked at him in shock that he actually said that. "What?" I said "I'm sorry" he said again. He looked very sad and looked like he was about to cry. I couldn't even think I just stood there. He then started to say.

Jaxx: "baby I- I don't even know what to think right now." He said
I don't know why but that got me so mad that I said "OH YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK?! Your not the one who was getting stood up so many times, your not the one who kept thinking you did something wrong because YOUR BOYFRIEND STARTED TO IGNORE YOU FOR NO REASON AT ALL AND MADE YOU SEEM LIKE ITS YOUR FAULT" I said angrily. I then started to cry. "You hurt me so much.." I said tears falling.

Jaxx: "I know my love, I just thought that.." he was saying but stopped. I looked at him worried "Thought what?" I said. He started crying and said
Jaxx: "that I'll never be good enough for you, that a guy like me doesn't deserve someone like you, that your gonna end up leaving me, or that I'm not a good boyfriend, and that I-" I ended up cutting him off by me kissing him. He kissed me back and we stayed like this for about a minute or so. We then pulled away and he started to cry into my arms. "Honey you are good enough for me, you are an amazing boyfriend, I'll never leave you for someone else, and you deserve me so much" I said and then smiled at him, he looked at me and smiled back. "I thought you didn't love me anymore.. and that you were going to end up breaking up with me.." I said more tears coming, he then kissed me again and then said. I'll NEVER EVER break up with you, and I love you so so so much. I always will" he said. I then hugged him so tight and said "I love you way more."

After they got home

The squad including luca noticed that me and jaxx were finally hanging out together again. They were so happy that they all ran over to us and hugged us so tight. We both hugged them all back.

I ended up being in squad videos again, the fans were so happy to hear my voice and see me back. They were also happy to see their lovely couple back to how we always were.

Tbh I didn't know what to put for the reason why jaxx wasn't talking to sora so I just put random things 😭 I really hope this isn't that bad 😓 but wow 1.5k words- that's crazy 😰
But anyways hope y'all enjoyed reading this!! Love y'all ❤️

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