28, ★

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Y/n Fallflower

After we poured wine over Zhivago we continued our walk before being stopped from a dead man jumping out of the ground in-front of Jericho.

"- ahhhh" she screamed.
" I. Hate. Every. Women" He quoted as Jericho continued to scream.

" well no need to play victim" I laughed getting in front of Jericho kicking his body making a dent in his chest. The dent filled in meaning he had super strength.
" ain't that about a bitch?" I huffed with annoyance.

Ban hopped in front of me before the man stuck his arm threw Ban's chest making him bleed out the mouth.
" hm" he groaned as Ban grabbed the man's head squashing it.

" BAN!" Jericho yelled running towards him she must've not known about his regeneration.

As they talked we saw what we thought was nothing turn into something big as we watched hands come from behind Jericho's back, pushing her out the way ban took the hit from the mystery girl.

As Ban stood I looked to see who it was to be the one fairy everyone was missed Elaine she was the forest protector who had passed away.

As a fairy myself, I couldn't give a fuck about her mostly because how you gon protect a forest but got killed so fast ?

She was dead as fuck so when I looked at her I had to blink twice rubbing my eyes.
" Elaine?" Ban mumbled.

She began cutting up Ban like a piece of paper

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She began cutting up Ban like a piece of paper. "I seen you taking and carry that girl!" She raged.

" this is a different kind of crazed ex" I instigated making the grass grow to hold down Elaine.
" I wanted to be the one you traveled with!" She continued.
" well you were dead so he couldn't really do that..." I trailed still holding her down.

Then Jericho started talking on some bullshit making her throw some wind knocking over Jericho as I still stood there.
My wind loosened my grip allowing Elaine to fly free.

Jericho jumped at her pinning her on the ground.
" you want me to believe you love him?!" She shouted.
" y'all got too much going on" I groaned.

" stop she's not acting like herself right now!" Ban screamed.
" you shut up before I come over there and beat your ass myself" I pointed.

She began blowing wind around herself screaming help I floated in the air in a crisscrossed position as I watched her yell.
" go help her ban ain't that yo friend?" I smirking as my mouth filled into a bubble of air trying to hold in my laughter.

Ban definitely help her going to hug her as she cried in his arms.
" unt unt where my man cause I don't wanna see this shit" I watched as I gave a side eye. I heard ban shout as Elaine passed out in his arms.
As melascula arrived behind him with Galand.

" hello there y/n" she smiled.
" melascula" I replied with a fake smile.

" you know them?" Ban questioned.
" sadly yes" I whined.

" I'll kill you" ban smirked.
" Ban theyre not just any villains-
I began before Galand strikes him.

" here we go" I yawned running up and kicking his leg twisting it in several knots.
" what's the matter of this? Y/n we used to be friends" he growls.
" see how you said USED to be, I'd like to keep it that way" I told.

" the traitors to the demon strikes again?" Ban asked laying on the ground.

Ban and Galand fought as Galand played soccer with Bans body trying to make him not regenerate.

Galands body grew weak as Ban got stronger the more Ban talks the more pissed Galand got.
I sat infront of the rock as Jericho and Elaine sat behind me.

Melascula drug him into her cacoon.

She touched him back as I ran up punching her deep in the face.
As she tried to eat his soul, Making her let go of it.

Galand snatched the soul munching on it as ban's eyes lost their shine.
Jericho grabbed her sword saying she would avenge him.
" girl sit yo ass down before you get killed" I whisper-shouted.

Before Ban spoke " yeahhh you don't need to do that" as he jumped back into action.

Cutting there heart he grabbed Jericho and Elaine meaning we were about to run as I started first.
He got tired dropping Jericho.
"My love ban" Elaine cried.

"Just leave me I can catch up" ban mumbled. Him and Elaine went back and forth about who was gonna stay.

Jericho held ban as I used my power to to hold Elaine not wanting to touch her. Because I hate children

I kept my promised I told y'all I was gonna upload today and I know she's not a kid but she looks like one so🫶🏾🌚

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