An Upsetting Magic Show

Start from the beginning

I walked in and saw my brother leaning up against a shelf and reading what looked like some kind of fantasy book.He looked up quickly,seemingly looking for someone trying to hurt him.I understood this feeling because I felt it a lot in the second game."Oh hi Mikan."He said going back to his book."Hi K-Kokichi."I said sitting down next to him."Wh-why place so e-empty?"I asked looking around and listening to the silence."Rantaro was killed in here,so ever since Keades' execution no one's come in here.I personally,don't have a problem because it means no one will bother me."He said flipping the page to his book."Oh..I-I see."I said standing up looking for a book myself.I selected one on medicine seeing as I was still studying it and sat down next to Kokichi opening my book.

2 hours later(11:00 am)

"B-but doesn't make s-sense."Mikan said putting her hands on her forehead in a stressed way."It wasn't supposed to Mikan!"Kokichi said smiling at her."Y-you're impossible.Y-you know th-that?"She said raising an eyebrow at him."Nishishi~yep!"He looking back at another book.Mikan looked back to hers and then saw a clock on the wall reading 11:00 am
She looked back at her book and then up remembering thst Himikos' magic show was today."Oh c-come on Kokichi."She said grabbing his wrist and running out of the library."Where are we going now?"Kokichi asked trying to keep up with his sister."Himikos' magic show,remember?"She said spotting the gym and walking towards it.
."Whyyyyy?"He seemingly not wanting to go."F-fine then I'll-"Mikan got cut off by Kokichi grabbing her  hand."I..don't have a good feeling so I'm not going.And I'd like it better if you were where I can see you.Kokichi looked dead serious and that was rare for him.But he could be serious if he had to."Fine,"Mikan said not wanting her brother to worry."I-I'll stay here."She said smiling.Kokichi let go and went back to his book,while Mikan did the same.

Time skip brought to you by the spider in my basement

In the gym

"Welcome everyone!Thank you for coming!"Angie said just as energetic as ever."Today,Himiko is going to prefrom her Underwater Escape Trick!"Everyone who was there(Kirumi,Korekiyo,Keebo,Miu,Gonta,Shuichi,and Tsumugi)could see himikos nervousness but didn't say anything."Himiko is going to jump into this thank and if she doesn't escape in time,the piranhas above will be released into the tank and eat her alive!"Angie said exited."Himiko are you absolutely sure you should do this?It seems really dangerous."Tenko said worrying."N-nyeh you don't believe in my magic?"Himiko asked feeling offended."No!Its not that!"She said defensively."T-then what?"Himiko said crossing her arms.After a few minutes of trying to convince Himiko to back out,Tenko gave up seeing as it was hopeless.After mentally preparing herself,more or less at least,Himiko announced that she was ready and jumped into the tank tied up.One minute was set on the timer and half a minute had passed before everyone started to worry."W-what if she doesn't get out in time?"Tsumugi said sweating a bit."Atua says she can Shirogane-San!Don't worry."Angie said even though she was displaying a bit of worry herself.The timer went off and the piranhas were released into the tank.Everyone's eyes widened as they fell the curtains opened to reveal Ryoma.Handcuffed and floating in the tank before the piranhas swarmed around him and left nothing but bones where he used to be.Everyone stood there,horrified at what they had just witnessed and then the body discovery went off.


Me and Mikan sat in the library talking about random things until we heard the shrill voice of Monokuma ring the every speaker in the room.
"A BODY HAS BEEN DISCOVERED!!!Everyone report to the gym this instant!"Monokuma said ever so enthusiastically.It made me sick.I looked over at Mikan wide eyed and looking shocked.Despite the fact we're in a killing game and this was bound to happen.I knew it would.Keade killed Rantaro and started this whole thing."..We should get to the gym now then."I said lending my hand to her.She took it shakily and stood up.We walked out of the library and to the gym.Mikan still not saying a word.

In the gym

Me and Mikan got to the gym where everyone stood and seemed to be trying to comprehend something.Me and Mikan stared in disbelief at the tank that I thought was Himiko until I saw her standing with Tenko.The pink tinted water was still and piranhas swam about freely while everyone was trying investigate what happened."W-What happens here?"Mikan asked making our presence known."W-Who is t-that?"She asked."Ryoma apparently."Maki said in her cold tone as always."O-Oh."Mikan said fiddling with her fingers."Well we should start investigating the-"Shuichi got cut off by Monokuma who appeared out of nowhere."HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING!!Our guest,"He said referring to Mikan."Is not allowed to help as she is just here to experience the game from close up!No helping them K?"Mikan shook her head slowly and they began to investigate.

After about an hour of investigating,it was time for the class trial and I left Mikan behind when I walked into the elevator."It's obviously Himiko!I mean who else could it be?"I said in my normal teasing tone."Well I agree.Himiko is the most suspicious out of all of us."Korekiyo said crossing his arms."Hey!You degenerate males don't know anything!Himiko can't be the culprit!"Tenko yelled defending Himiko like she always did."Nyeh,I didn't do it!"She said her head snapping up when everyone started accusing her."You are the most suspicious out of us all Himiko.If you perhaps told us how you're trick worked-"Kirumi got cut off by Himiko,"I told you!Its magic!"She said pulling her hat over her eyes."Huh magic.Right."I said rolling my eyes."It is!"She argued.The trial went on until Maki started to help Shuichi with the case.Turns out Ryoma was already before the piranhas.After another hour Shuichi revealed the culprit as Kirumi which shocked most everyone.

Kirumi got pulled away to her execution which forced her to climb up a rope with spikes sticking out from everywhere.She climbed and got her dress shredded up by razors that she had to climb past,and left large gashes all over her.She had finally reached the top and put her hand out to leave when she touched the ceiling and realized it was fake.It was just a piece of paper made to look like the outside.The rope snapped and she fell to her death landing on Monosuke and ending her execution.Everyone went back to their dorms and I sat in mine for hours just helpless as my thoughts kept going back to Kirumis face when she realized it was a piece of paper.Why are they doing this?Why can't they just stop killing each other?"I thought trying to rap my mind about it.My eyes drifted towards my lock box on my table that I hadn't opened since Keades execution.Before I knew it I was unlocking it taking things out of it one by one.I kept things I didn't want bothered in to like my motive video,my notes,Rantaros necklace I stole off of him before the trial,and my box cutter.

STOP.This is the tw s/h if this is triggering to you,don't watch it please.

I grabbed it out of the box and neatly placed everything back the way it was supposed to be.I sat on my bed,a pack of gauze bandages beside me.I know I promised Mikan I would find a new coping mechanism,but I couldn't help it.It was like my lies.I can't help when I feel the need to do it.I rolled up my sleeve and slid the blade of the box cutter across my arm watching the pink liquid seep out and onto my pale skin.I made another cut.And another..and another until I had about six.I hadn't realized what I had done until someone knocked on my door.I knew exactly who it was.


I rolled my sleeve back down and answered the door.Wishing my uniform wasn't white and hid my arm."Hi Mikan!Whats up?"


[word count:2255]

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