"You did good," He whispers.

I smile back before pecking him. We look at the direction we came when we hear footsteps. A sprinter runs past on it's way to the bookstore.

I look at Flynn, "We need to go before a huge pack follows."

He nods and we leave the alley and carefully make our way back towards our bunker. We keep looking over our shoulder, half-expecting to see something chasing us. Once we're far enough away from town, we relax a bit.

Flynn nudges me, "He had it coming."

I snort, "Yeah, he did."

I just got in the shower and I watch as the water pooling at my feet has a hint of red in it. I've gotten used to the cold showers but still try to be quick.

The door opens and I hear Flynn walk in, "Hey, do you know where the spatula is?"

I smile, "Why would I know where the spatula is?"

"I don't know, just..." I hear shuffling, "Just can't find it."

"It's not in the drawer?" I ask as I squirt some shampoo into my hand.

The shower curtain is pulled open and I gasp, facing my body towards him.

"I said, I didn't know!"

He steps in, grinning, "I don't actually need it."

"Then what're you doing?"

He shrugs, "Conserving water."

He closes the curtain but all I can focus on are his hands on my body. He holds me against him at my waist, as he lets the water wet his hair. He closes his eyes and I watch in awe at just how pretty he is.

There's little water droplets on his eyelashes and some of his soft, auburn hair has fallen in his face. His lips are full and soft above a sharp jawline.

He opens his eyes and looks at my hand, "Wash my hair?"

I blink, "What?"

His smile turns into a smirk, "The shampoo. In your hand."

"Oh. Yeah."

He chuckles and I sigh before rubbing my hands together. I scrub his head and he closes his eyes. A small smile reaches my lips as he enjoys the feeling of my fingers running through his hair.

"We should do this more often," He suggests making me laugh.

"You just hate seeing me in clothes."

"If I could have it my way, you would only ever put clothes on to leave."

I chuckle, shaking my head, "We wouldn't get anything done."

"Oh we would get plenty done."

"Flynn," I say through laughs, "No."

He smiles before leaning his head back into the water. He washes the shampoo out before leaning down and kissing me. I slowly slide my hands up his body and he moves me against the wall.

"Shower sex?" He asks, making me smile.

"Turn the water off."

He chuckles, "It's not shower sex without the shower."

"You want to dry off and go to our room then?" I suggest.

He shakes his head before reaching out and turning the water off, "You're too practical sometimes."

"Oh really?"

He nods with grin, "Mhm."

He leans down and goes back to kissing me, hands gripping my waist. I run my fingers through his wet hair, pressing my body against his. He pulls away before turning me around. He puts his hand on the wall by my head before leaning down on it. He kisses my neck as his free hand slides down my body. It goes between my legs and he immediately finds my clit, starting his slow circles. I bite my lip as a moan slips past.

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