"What do you mean?" Stiles said confused.

"She's not going to come back now. We just invaded her home. Our scent's going to be everywhere." Scott said

"If she's not going to come back here, where's she going to go?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know." Scott said.

"Can you track her now? You think you got her scent?" Stiles asked.

"Maybe. But I'm better at this when I'm a full wolf. And I'm still worried that if I do it, I won't be able to turn back." Scott said.

Stiles sighs

"The door's still open." Stiles said.

"If I can't get to Derek, we're gonna have to find someone else to help. This is basically a crime scene, right? I think it might be a little out of my boss's league." Scott said.

"Wait there is one person I know is still here" scott said as he gets out his phone.

"You're sure it was her?" Stilinski asked.

"I looked her right in the eyes. And they glowed just like mine." Scott said.

"It's malia, I have her scent" Brooke said coming out from behind the car.

"Brookelynn" stiles asked confused.

"Hi" Brooke said.

"Is this who you called?" Stiles asked Scott

"Yep" scott said.

Stiles goes up to Brooke and gives her a hug.

"Missed you guys" Brooke said to the boys.

"We did too" Scott said.

"More Stiles then me but"


"Hey Stilinski" Brooke said has she gives him a hug.

"Hey Brooke, how have you been?" Stilinski asked.

"I'm fine, you?" Brooke asked.

"I'm doing good" Stilinski said.

"Good , now catch me up" Brooke said.

"Theres a Werecoyote that has been stuck in coyote form for a few years now. Her family died in a car accident and we thing when malia transforms she freaked out and killed her family" Scott said.

Stiles was staring at the girl standing next to him

"Are you sure it's a girl not just a coyote?" Stilinski asked .

"It makes sense, Dad"

"But it wasn't a girl. It was a four-legged coyote, right?" Stilinski asked.

"Well, okay. But yeah, see, that's the point that we don't exactly have figured out yet." Stiles sajd.

"Okay, but if it was a full moon and she did change while her mom was driving, then anything could've happened." Scott said.

"There is a good chance she didn't know she was a coyote and when it was the night of the full moon she transformed, it's very possible, some werewolfs don't even know there werewolfs until the full moon" Brooke said to the group.

"Horrible things could've happened. Ripping, shredding, tearing things." Stiles said.

"Which is probably what caused the accident." Scott said.

"Think about it, Dad, all right. They're driving, Malia starts to change, she goes out of control, the mom crashes and everybody dies" stiles said to his dad

Dark Side// Teen Wolf जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें