A Cup of Thank You ☕️

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Hi guys! ☺️💜

This mini extra chappie: "A Cup of Thank You ☕️❣️," bears a kofi-moji.

Why, you may ask?

Well... Coffee just so happens to be Veda's and Pa's special beverage.

If you are here, it means you've gone on the winding road, and reached the ending of my Open Novella Contest 2023 entry, "The Gaslight Trials!"

Its word count stands at jus' a smidgen under 40 000 words with twelve chapters in total.

At first, I swear I had not planned writing more than 30 000 words, but this story just got out of control and ran rampant down the literary streets of my mind.

Therefore, I ended up with this 39,999 words long novella and not to mention that after the contest, this is quite probably going to become a novel (when I get some time on my hands, of course. Time travelling prototype, where art thou? 😳)

It's just that I found it hard to work on young adult steampunk/scifi/elements of fantasy arcs in anything shorter than 50 000 words, so this was quite a challenge for me to write!

Not to say that I am not pleased with how it all turned out but, when it was all said and done, I will definitely give Veda and Langdon more funny scenes and chappies in the future, that is to say, before the August 2023 ends.

I shall give their characters even more depth than they currently have!

More Langdon smarts!

More Veda sass!

More Champion battles! (in detail)

Anyway, I would like to thank anyone, anywhere, who has, anywhen, found the time to peek into my Open Novella 2023 Contest entry and support in in any manner!

All your reads, votes, wonderful reviews meant the world to me!

Many of the suggestions you made in the comment section led me boldly towards the finish line of this first draft, 🏁 giving me a fresh set of ideas, aiding me to push forward and beat the deadline.

I would like to  thank the organisers and judges of Open Novella Contest, who tirelessly work year after year, coming up with prompts, pouring over our entries, making this competition happen and connecting writers across the platform. ❣️

I would ALSO like to extend congratulations to all of the participants of the ONC 2023 contest!

You are writing/have written a book (or two, or three or four or FIVE o.O OR MORE THAN FIVE. This is madness!), based off the prompt, in three feckin' months!

How on Earth did you manage that?

You, yes you! You are amazing.

Thank you for fighting by my side, in this Timeline Battle.

Regardless of our results in the contest, or the timeline in which we will have completed our entries in, even merely being inspired by the prompts offered can take us far in the future, turning our ONC works into polished masterpieces, upping the numbers in our book catalogue.

We rock! 🤘🏻🎸🪨

Gaslight Trials | The Wattys2023 Shortlister ✔️Where stories live. Discover now