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It was late, the boys were hanging out and Tubbo was talking to Tommy over the phone cause Ranboo had called him. (He knew by now that Tubbo was staying with Ranboo for the time being cause Tubbo's dad got mad and told him to leave, nothing else :>) Tubbo was happier then earlier, a lot happier. Tommy was talking about something Tubbo didn't really care too much about. He was leaned up against Ranboo while Ranboo played Tetris on his Nintendo Switch. He was a little tired and decided to get the blanket and pulled it over himself and lay on the pillow. Ranboo figured Tubbo was going to sleep so he told Tommy they were going to sleep and hung up. He got up, turned the tv off put his switch on the charger, turned off the lights and crawled back into bed. Apparently Tubbo was really tired because he fell asleep almost instantly. Ranboo smiled at the sleeping boy and went to bed.

Ranboo's alarm woke Tubbo up he turned it off himself as Ranboo was still asleep. He didn't wanna go to school today but he had too. So he crawled over Ranboo and got dressed and brushed his teeth and hair. He sat on his phone till it was time to go.

⚠️⚠️!!!TW!!!⚠️⚠️(this one is a little on and off so it's just gonna be a big one)
He arrived at school and it was going okay so far, no one had talked to him which was good, he didn't want to talk today. Everything was going fairly okay till 3rd period he had to use the bathroom and he really didn't need Seth following him but he couldn't just not go so, he got up and asked to use the restroom. Bad said yes and he went. He knew Seth would follow him just to make his day horrible. He did his thing and was getting ready to leave. "You must really like me!" Yup. He followed him. "Coming to the same bathroom as me all the time. You must have a huge crush on me, f@ggot." He said getting closer. Tubbo stayed quiet. "Hah! Your a fucking loser" he pushed him and he walked out of the bathroom back to class. When Tubbo got there Bad told him to get his things and go down to the main office. 'What?' He thought as he gathered his things. Wilbur gave him a puzzled look at he walked past him. He got down to the office. He thought he was safe from him. Apparently not. Schlatt was sat in the chair waiting for him. Schlatt walked out with him and the secretary said "have a nice dentist appointment" now he was really confused. He got into the car and schlatt drove him "home" he was quiet the entire car ride. They got home and got inside. He was immediately held at gunpoint. "You will not leave this house unless it's to go to school and anywhere with me, do I make myself clear" he didn't yell but Tubbo was terrified. He nodded. "Get the fuck to your room." Tubbo rushed to his room, his bedding wasn't here which sucked and all his things were are Ranboo's. He had a small cubby though. It was a small room inside his closet he found. It had blankets and few small pillows and an extra charger in case. It was a nice little cubby, that was the place he would hide when things became too much. Schlatt didn't know about the cubby because it was covered by what was in his closet. He got into the cubby and sat there, he had fairy lights Tommy had bought him hung up. It was calming in there. He got a text.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Tommy˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

You where are you? Why aren't you at lunch?

Oh. I got sent home because my dad picked me up.

Oh you alright?

Yes I'm fine :)

Okay see you tomorrow ig :)

He didn't want anyone besides Ranboo at this point to know what schlatt does to him. He stayed in his cubby until he heard foot steps coming up the stairs. He quickly got out and his the small door he sat on his empty bed on his phone. Schlatt entered. He walked up to Tubbo and smacked him. Tubbo was used to that. He hasn't stayed with Ranboo that long to forget what schlatt was like. Schlatt was angry but at least he wasn't yelling. "You are fucking worthless. Get down stairs and do the fucking dishes. Now." Tubbo immediately got up and ran down stairs. He did the dishes making sure they all fit in the dishwasher and none were left in the sink. He got permission to go back upstairs to his room. He went back to his room and found the small blade he kept by his bed. He looked at himself. It was mid day. Was he really gonna do this? He didn't wanna bother Ranboo. He just went with it. He unwrapped the bandaged that was already on his arm. One. 'Worthless.' The voice said. Two. 'Annoying.' Three 'Stupid' he was cutting pretty deep into his arm it hurt but he told himself he deserved it. He heard footsteps again. He looked at the door swing open. Schlatt saw him and was furious. "You little shit! You wanna be cut so bad I would have done it for you!" "N-no no no no!" Tubbo tried to defend against schlatt who took the blade out of his hand it was no use, he rolled the youngers sleeve up and did more severe cuts then Tubbo did to himself, he was crying in pain. When he was done his whole arm was bloody and Schlatt pushed him to the ground and walked out. Tubbo was laying on his floor crying. It hurt so much. He grabbed the blood infested bandages and put them on his newly harmed arm. He managed to get up and find the roll of bandages he had and put more on his other arm. He cried to the point he couldn't feel anything. He turned off his lights and crawled into his cubby again. He decided to take a nap.
⚠️⚠️!!!TW OVER!!!⚠️⚠️

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